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St. Thomas School, Shimla.

World Tourism Day

The Yuva Tourism Club of St. Thomas School, Shimla, embarked on an educational excursion to Rashtrapati Niwas in Mashobra, Shimla, organized by the India Tourism Field Office - Shimla. The students had the privilege of exploring this 173-year-old heritage monument with the guidance of knowledgeable experts. The event also included a meaningful Travel for Life pledge, emphasizing responsible tourism, and a cleanliness drive in the vicinity of the monument, contributing to the preservation of this historical gem.

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Debate Competition

Name of the Institute - SSPM Day School and Junior College, Pune ,-1 Number of Students participation - 08 Date & Venue - 25th September 2023 Competition- Debate Competition Description - On the occasion of World Tourism Day 2023 SSPM Day School and Junior College Yuva Tourism Club members conducted Debate Competition . Topic - Alternative Energy is our Future. #YTC -#TourismExplorers -#AISSMS -#ministryoftourism -#yuvatourism -#tourismforall #indiatourismmumbai #solarenergysystem #alternativenergy #WorldToursimDay #environmentconservation

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Babarao Dhawale Vidyalaya Kharala

जागतिक पर्यटन दिन साजरा करणे व स्वच्छता अभियान राबविणे.

27 सप्टेंबर रोजी, "जागतिक पर्यटन दिनाचे अवचित्तसाधुन विद्यार्थ्याचे लक्ष वेधून घेण्यासाठी आणि पर्यटनाबद्दल जागरूकता पसरवण्याच्या दृष्टीने हा उपक्रम राबविण्यात आला.

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Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Hotel and Tourism Management Studies

Celebration of WORLD TOURISM DAY

BharatiVidyapeeth Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology celebrated World Tourism Day by organizing three competitions related to Tourism. First Competition was regarding Traditional Dress Competition in which 20 students participated. The students came with different attire from different states and religions such as Nepal, Konkan, Gujrat, Maharashtra which represented diversity in culture. Second Competition was Rangoli Competition and theme which was given to students were " Tourism and Green Economy". There were total 10 students participated in this competition. The students made Rangoli's with given theme showcasing global warming effect, green economy, effect of tourism on economy. Third Competition which was conducted was Quiz Competition which was online mode and theme for was UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India .As it was online many students participated in this competition. The event was appreciated by Principal Sir Dr.Wilson Lukose and all other facility members.

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Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Hotel and Tourism Management Studies

Celebration of WORLD TOURISM DAY

BharatiVidyapeeth Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology celebrated World Tourism Day by organizing three competitions related to Tourism. First Competition was regarding Traditional Dress Competition in which 20 students participated. The students came with different attire from different states and religions such as Nepal, Konkan, Gujrat, Maharashtra which represented diversity in culture. Second Competition was Rangoli Competition and theme which was given to students were " Tourism and Green Economy". There were total 10 students participated in this competition. The students made Rangoli's with given theme showcasing global warming effect, green economy, effect of tourism on economy. Third Competition which was conducted was Quiz Competition which was online mode and theme for was UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India .As it was online many students participated in this competition. The event was appreciated by Principal Sir Dr.Wilson Lukose and all other facility members.

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Babarao Dhawale Vidyalaya Kharala

एक झाड दत्तक घ्या अभियान 2023

झाडे लावल्याने पर्यावरणीय संस्कृती कळेल तसेच जंगल आणि वन्यजीवांचे संरक्षण करण्यास मदत होईल.

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Babarao Dhawale Vidyalaya Kharala

पर्यटन संबंधी चित्रकला स्पर्धा आणि "पोळा" सारख्या सणा प्रसंगी रेखाचित्र स्पर्धा / मातीचे बैल बनविणे

महाराष्ट्रचे स्थानाविशिष्ट असलेल्या पोळा या सणासंबंधी जागरुकता वाढवणे.

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Gurudev High School Alampur

World Tourism Day 2023

Ministry of Tourism Hyderabad Office in association with Yuva Tourism Club of Gurudev High School Alamapur Celebrated World Tourism Day 23 at Navabrahma Temple Alampur by Launching Travel for Life (TFL) campaign. Swachhta awareness activity, Swachhta Rally, TFL Pledge taking, TFL Photobooth, Organised as a part of Celebration official from MOT Hyderabad Office, ASI Telangana, Endowment , Alampur village community, more than 100 YuvaTourism Club students actively participated.

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Government Degree College Bhadrachalam and Maruthi Nursing College

World Tourism Day 2023

Ministry of Tourism Hyderabad Office in association with Yuva Tourism Club of Government Degree College Bhadrachalam and Maruthi Nursing College Bhadrachalam Celebrated World Tourism Day 23 at Rama temple Bhadrachalam by Launching Travel for Life (TFL) campaign. Swachhta awareness activity, Swachhta Rally, TFL Pledge taking, TFL Photobooth, Organised as a part of Celebration official from MOT Hyderabad Office, Bhadrachalam Endowment, District administration more than 150 students actively participated.

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Babarao Dhawale Vidyalaya Kharala



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Our Girls High School name is BB Zilla Parishad Girls High SChool, Buchireddypalem of SPSR Nellore District of Andhra Pradesh. Our school strength is 1000 students. We flagged may awards in getting marks in the public examinations. We have also formed YUVA Tourism Club in association with Ministry of Tourism, New Delhi and also A.P.Tourism Authority, Vijayawada. On the eve of WORLD TOURISM DAY on 27-03-2023, our Yuva Tourism Club has conducted Essay Writing Competition on Green revolution and pollution less society. We farmed a HUMAN CHAIN at prime location of our town to promote Tourism ~ Green Investment which a slogan for WORLD TOURIM DAY, 2023 ie., on 27-12-2023. Visited Sri Kodandaramaswamy Temple which got 200 years of history. Taken Oath for green revolution with plantation, non pollution society, educated on maintenance of pure water, not to disturb the culture at Tourism Places.

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NPRZPHS Yellayapalem


Our school "Zilla Parishad High School, Yellayapalem" existing in Kodavalur Mandal of Sri Potti Sriramulu Nellore District of Andhra Pradesh. On the eve of WORLD TOURISM DAY on 27-03-2023, ZPHS Yuva Tourism Club, Yellayyapalem has participated with 250 members of students marching in public place to create awareness in Plantation, maintenance of clean water, Pollution free society and make them involve with taking Oath. Planted plants in our School premises and also public place in our Village.

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