18 Sep 2023
Yuva Tourism Club of NC Jindal Public School, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi, performed “Swachhta Pakhwada” with full zeal and enthusiasm. Students of YTC encouraged all the students from classes Pre School to classXII to participate actively in ‘Swachhata Shapath’. It culminated with a strong message that ‘ Environmental cleanliness’ is a prime priority which should be taken care of ! Activities including Poster making and online Quizzes were conducted to educate students about cleanliness and hygienic practices. An exhibition within the school ground was organised to Educate students about the elimination of Single Use Plastic and alleviating plastic pollution while adhering to the 3 R (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) principle. Debate and elocution, model making etc.were organised to create awareness among the students. Student,s active participation strengthened the power of collective action in achieving the broader goals of Swachhta Abhiyaan.
read more18 Sep 2023
SWACHHATA PAKHWADA has done a commendable job to make people aware about cleanliness to be followed at every walk of life. Related to this, various activities were organised through out the country. It was a great opportunity for students of Kamal Model Sr. Sec. School member of Yuva Tourism Club who contributed their bit by participating in the same. Students participated enthusiastically in essay writing competitions. Throughout the programme, students were made aware about the cleanliness drive by different fun methods. Students were very grateful of being a part of the same. It proved to be a memorable programme for the enthusiastic students who participated.
read more18 Sep 2023
Kendriya Vidyalaya Gopeshwar Uttarakhand organized a quiz competition under the Yuva Tourism Club.In the preliminary round, the students were asked questions on a variety of topics related to tourism, such as the history of tourism, different types of tourism, popular tourist destinations, and the importance of tourism.The quiz competition was a great success and the students had a lot of fun participating. The competition helped the students to learn more about tourism and its importance. It also helped them to develop their quizzing skills and their competitive spirit.
read more14 Sep 2023
Yuva Tourism club of Rosary Sr. Sec. School, Radio Colony organised a 3 D model making competition (Indian monuments) for students of Class 6-12. Last date of submission was Sep 12, 2023. The best 3 models were awarded in 2 categories 1. Classes 6-8 2. Classes 9-12. Fr. Savari Raj and Sr. Carmen were the judges. They appreciated all the participants and the winners.
read more13 Sep 2023
The inauguration of the Yuva Tourism Club at N.C Jindal Public School is a positive step towards promoting tourism awareness and education among the youth. The appointment of the Treasurer, Photographer, Editor, Reporter, and Executive members is a good start, and I am sure that these individuals will play an important role in the club's success.
read more13 Sep 2023
Report on Yuva Tourism Club Event at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Jyotipuram, Reasi J&K. On September 13 2023, the Ministry of Tourism Government of India (North region) organized a Yuva Tourism Club event at Kendriya Vidyalaya, Jyotipuram, Reasi Jammu and Kashmir. The event was attended by students of grade 11. The event began with an introduction to the Yuva Tourism Clubs, its importance and need and about scope, types and possible tourism activities in the state to promote economic development, growth, culture, cuisines & handicrafts of Jammu & Kashmir. Various global opportunities and emerging trends in the field of tourism and hospitality were discussed. The students also took the Travel for LIFE pledge, which is a commitment to promoting sustainable tourism. The Travel for LIFE pledge includes promises to: Respect local cultures and traditions Protect the environment Support local businesses & Travel responsibly. The event concluded with a speech by Mr. Dev Raj, Co-ordinator of YTC. He spoke about the importance of sustainability for tourism and urged the students to be ambassadors for sustainable tourism. The event helped to raise awareness of sustainable tourism and the importance of tourism for economic development.
read more12 Sep 2023
आज दिनांक 6 सितंबर 2023 को जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय पपरोला जिला कांगड़ा हिमाचल प्रदेश के माइग्रेशन योजना के अंतर्गत आए हुए विद्यार्थियों का भ्रमण कार्यक्रम करवाया गया इस कार्यक्रम के तहत सभी विद्यार्थियों को सबसे पहले मैक्लोडगंज मैं स्थित बोध विहार का भ्रमण करवाया गया तथा उसकी ऐतिहासिक जानकारी से अवगत करवाया गया इसके पश्चात सभी विद्यार्थियों को धर्मशाला में स्थित युद्ध स्मारक मैं भ्रमण करवाया गया तथा वहां स्तिथ विभिन्न अस्त्र शस्त्र के बारे में जानकारी प्रदान की गई उसके पश्चात सभी विद्यार्थियों को गोपालपुरा में स्तिथ जू का भ्रमण करवाया गया जहां पर बच्चों ने अलग अलग तरह की जंगली जानवर को देखा तथा उनके बारे में जानकारी प्राप्त की सभी बच्चे आज के इस भ्रमण कार्यक्रम से काफी आनंदित एवं उत्साहित नजर आए
read more11 Sep 2023
On 8 September, the Himalaya Pledge was taken under the Save Himalaya Campaign under the aegis of The Yuva Tourism Club in the college. While administering the 'Himalaya Pledge', Principal Prof. KL Talwad said, "The Himalayas are the head of our country. The Great Mountain is the basis of climate, life, and environment for a large part of the world. Its peaks inspire us to reach new heights. "I promise that I will make every possible effort to protect the Himalayas. I will not do anything that could harm the Himalayas." On this occasion, The Yuva Tourism Club coordinator Dr. Madan Lal Sharma, co-coordinator Dr. K. R. Dngwal, and Dr. Mrigank Malasi, and all the teachers, non-teaching staff, and a large number of students were present.
read more06 Sep 2023
Proud to witness the vibrant celebrations at Yuva Tourism Club, NC Jindal Public School, Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi! On the Teacher's Day, talented students of YTC showcased their appreciation with a mesmerizing band presentation, dazzling dance performance, heartfelt greeting cards, beautifully decorated boards, and intricate Rangolies. A big shoutout to amazing teachers who inspire and guide every day.
read more06 Sep 2023
Rosary Sr. Sec School, Radio Colony, Delhi 9 organised a teacher's picnic on the occasion of Teachers Day initiated by Yuva Tourism club. 78 teachers. Lead by Fr. Principal, Fr. Manager and Yuva Coordinator visited the Country Inn and Suite, Gurugram for 2 days and 1 night stay.
read more06 Sep 2023
Students of Yuva Tourism Club, N.C Jindal Public school, Punjabi Bagh ,New Delhi shared their selfies of Live Landing to mark India's Historic Mission to Moon. While watching ISRO's official website, they shared their pics with broadcasting the Live Landing of Chandrayan-3 mission on August 23, 2023, starting from 17:27 Hrs. IST (5:27 PM).
read more04 Sep 2023
GMSSS, SECTOR 46 D, CHANDIGARH Inaugurated YUVA TOURISM CLUB . Principal of the School with members of Tourism Club (Mrs. Sonia , Mrs Pushwinder Kaur , Mr. Adarshpal Singh and Mr. Shashi Bhushan ) organised a meet for students to join the Club in which following students have been selected as HEAD GIRL ( PAYAL ) , TREASURER( HARSHITA ), EXECUTIVE MEMBER 1 ( JANVI ) ,EXECUTIVE MEMBER 2 ( KAKUL ) , EXECUTIVE MEMBER 3 ( RYAN ) for the future functioning of the same .
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