S.NO | Name | Mobile | Club Name | |
1 | Bolleboina Varsha | srinivas371971[at]gmail[dot]com | 9949639015 | Zilla parishath High School OOKAL |
2 | O Rishikanth | Cmogili77[at]gmail[dot]com | 8978727403 | Government junior college Govindaraopet |
3 | MANYA SRI | mailmeatbhasker[at]gmail[dot]com | 9963469794 | SPRTOURISMCLUB |
4 | YASERUDDIN MOHAMMAD | yaseruddin2012[at]gmail[dot]com | 8008521500 | ZPHS KONKAPAKA |
5 | MALIHA REHMAN | nagarjunahighschool52[at]gmail[dot]com | 9701296065 | NAGARJUNA PRIME SCHOOL |
6 | Ranjith Kumar Emmadi | emmadiranjithkumar1[at]gmail[dot]co | 7671845135 | Balaji institute of technology and science |
7 | Vinesh | nandanaboinavinesh[at]gmail[dot]com | 6303397963 | ZPHS THIRUMALAYAPALLY |
8 | M RAMCHARAN | maddelaraju[at]gmail[dot]com | 8074503959 | ZPHS BOYS NARSAMPET |
9 | S CHARANTEJA | sangasrinivas[at]gmail[dot]com | 9441291076 | ZPHS BOYS NARSAMPET |
10 | VARSHITH VALLAMDASU | varshithvallamdasu2011[at]gmail[dot]com | 6300675109 | ZPHS KONKAPAKA |
11 | Akhil | banothakhil[at]gmail[dot]com | 7680895194 | ZPHS THIRUMALAYAPALLY |
12 | B Sravanthi | bsravanthi24[at]gmail[dot]com | 8522024469 | Pingili Junior College Girls |
13 | M SIDDHARTHA | manthojusiddu[at]gmail[dot]com | 8978345296 | ZPHS BOYS NARSAMPET |
14 | Uppu Naveen | uppunaveen956[at]gmail[dot]com | 7995486646 | GOVERNMENT JUNIOR COLLEGE RAIKAL |
15 | D Raj kumar | Draj[at]7123 | 9652947126 | Zphs laybarthy |
16 | Sandeep | bhukyasandeep[at]gmail[dot]com | 7416518642 | ZPHS THIRUMALAYAPALLY |
17 | SRICHARAN NALLA | sricharannalla2012[at]gmail[dot]com | 9998811531 | ZPHS KONKAPAKA |
18 | D Swathi | dswathi24[at]gmail[dot]com | 7032452732 | Pingili Junior College Girls |
19 | Battula Ankamma | zphsnallbelly[at]gmail[dot]com | 9640886260 | ZPSS NALLABELLY |
20 | Rakesh Khanna | seggoju6893[at]gmail[dot]com | 9550080877 | Vignana bharthi vidyalayam |
21 | K vaishali | kvaishali24[at]gmail[dot]com | 9908668259 | Pingili Junior College Girls |
22 | SHIVAMANI KONTHAM | shivamanikontham2013[at]gmail[dot]com | 7386189888 | ZPHS KONKAPAKA |
23 | Ashwini | banothashwini[at]gmail[dot]com | 8186967807 | ZPHS THIRUMALAYAPALLY |
24 | MOHD HUSSAIN | Info[dot]radianceschool[at]gmail[dot]com | 7095156427 | Radiance High School |
25 | D Sathwika | dsathwika24[at]gmail[dot]com | 6302146812 | Pingili Junior College Girls |
26 | K ASHOK | wisdomwhiz1996[at]gmail[dot]com | 9247435220 | WISDOM HIGH SCHOOL |
27 | SURA RAJU | shailajamamidi88[at]gmail[dot]com | 9553860721 | ZPHS BOYS NARSAMPET |
28 | SHARATH CHANDRA ALLADI | sharathalladi2011[at]gmail[dot]com | 9542387951 | ZPHS KONKAPAKA |
29 | J NANDINI | zphsmondrai1[at]gmail[dot]com | 9618340431 | ZPHS MONDRAI MANDAL SANGEM DIST WARANGAL |
30 | OVYSHNAVI | lathaoja8722[at]gmail[dot]com | 8340834883 | Government Degree College For Women Autonomous Jagtial |
31 | Alekhya | gajavellialekhya[at]gmail[dot]com | 7981205085 | ZPHS THIRUMALAYAPALLY |
32 | M Rithika | mrithika24[at]gmail[dot]com | 6302269008 | Pingili Junior College Girls |
33 | ASRITH GOURAV MADURI | asrithmaduri2012[at]gmail[dot]com | 9505520985 | ZPHS KONKAPAKA |
34 | Boda Rajeshwari | AHSMCPALLY112[at]GMAIL[dot]COM | 9951175569 | GOVT TWAHS GIRLS MUDUCHEKKALAPALLI |
35 | K Sravani | ksravani24[at]gmail[dot]com | 8341328639 | Pingili Junior College Girls |
36 | V SAICHARAN | vemunuriraju[at]gmail[dot]com | 9490194371 | ZPHS BOYS NARSAMPET |
37 | Swetha | bommeraswetha[at]gmail[dot]com | 6301236032 | ZPHS THIRUMALAYAPALLY |
38 | D Nikitha | dnikitha24[at]gmail[dot]com | 9030796071 | Pingili Junior College Girls |
39 | G AKSHAYA | gunduraviraju[at]gmail[dot]com | 9963841008 | ZPHS BOYS NARSAMPET |
40 | M KOUSHIK | lxptkoushik[at]gmail[dot]com | 8143883059 | GOVERNMENT JUNIOR COLLEGE BOYS GODAVARIKHANI |
41 | MANVITHA KOTHULA | manvithakothula2011[at]gmail[dot]com | 8977187506 | ZPHS KONKAPAKA |
42 | A SURESH | aguthisuresh[at]gmail[dot]com | 9291653497 | ZPHS KESAMUDRAM STN |
43 | Ch Pravalika | chpravalika24[at]gmail[dot]com | 9014145938 | Pingili Junior College Girls |
44 | AJYOTHILAXMI | avunoorijyothilaxmi1003[at]gmail[dot]com | 9326199150 | Government Degree College For Women Autonomous Jagtial |
45 | T SHRAVYA | thummidisuresh[at]gmail[dot]com | 7569690139 | ZPHS BOYS NARSAMPET |
46 | J Akshya | jakshya24[at]gmail[dot]com | 9160147310 | Pingili Junior College Girls |
47 | T Hemanth | Thandahemanth115[at]gmail[dot]com | 6304865126 | Government junior college Govindaraopet |
48 | KONDA AJAY | lxptsatish11[at]gmail[dot]com | 7981788612 | GOVERNMENT JUNIOR COLLEGE BOYS GODAVARIKHANI |
49 | Ishwarya Bandari | iswarayabandari2013[at]gmail[dot]com | 7416199474 | ZPHS KONKAPAKA |
50 | Vennela | shagantivennela[at]gmail[dot]com | 9381199526 | ZPHS THIRUMALAYAPALLY |
51 | P SREEVIDYA | nukalasreevidya[at]gmail[dot]com | 9949639177 | ZPHS KESAMUDRAM STN |
52 | S SRIHARSHITH | sukkavijaykumar[at]gmail[dot]com | 7993264647 | ZPHS BOYS NARSAMPET |
53 | S pooja | spooja24[at]gmail[dot]com | 9849213940 | Pingili Junior College Girls |
54 | B VICKY | saikumar[at]gmail[dot]com | 9959882291 | SCHOLARS HIGH SCHOOL JPN ROAD WARANGAL |
55 | P Buvija Sharon | pbuvijasharon24[at]gmail[dot]com | 9603818702 | Pingili Junior College Girls |
56 | Jayasri | bandijayasri[at]gmail[dot]com | 8187884917 | ZPHS THIRUMALAYAPALLY |
57 | P AKSHITHA | kalthiswathi[at]gmail[dot]com | 9391623064 | ZPHS BOYS NARSAMPET |
58 | T RATHNASRI | ravikumarkumarperala88[at]gmail[dot]com | 9652185476 | ZPHS BOYS NARSAMPET |
59 | ARCHANA BONTHA | archanabontha12[at]gmail[dot]com | 8464015379 | ZPHS KONKAPAKA |
60 | M REVANTH SAI | revanthsai[at]gmail[dot]com | 8019714953 | SCHOLARS HIGH SCHOOL JPN ROAD WARANGAL |
61 | MD AFRIN | afrin[dot]mohammedktl[at]gmail[dot]com | 7702686478 | ZPHS KATRIYALA |
62 | V Varshini | vvarshini24[at]gmail[dot]com | 9030651284 | Pingili Junior College Girls |
63 | Ammulu | bandiammulu[at]gmail[dot]com | 9063133803 | ZPHS THIRUMALAYAPALLY |
64 | Rapolu Sahithi | Sahithirapolu71[at]gmail[dot]com | 9533944893 | Government Polytechnic Nalgonda |
65 | SHEHREEN AYATH | shehreenayath[at]gmail[dot]com | 8309724294 | SCHOLARS HIGH SCHOOL JPN ROAD WARANGAL |
66 | J CHAITHANYA | jannuchandu[at]gmail[dot]com | 9985077155 | ZPHS BOYS NARSAMPET |
67 | K BHUVANA | abghsfortwgl[at]gmail[dot]com | 9676185882 | AB GHS Fort Warangal |
68 | M Rajesh | malothrajesh035[at]gmail[dot]com | 8247083268 | Government junior college Govindaraopet |
69 | S SHRUTHI | shruthi[dot]sultan[at]gmail[dot]com | 9676419872 | ZPHS KATRIYALA |
70 | B Mahalakshmi | Bmahalaxmi[at]gmail[dot]com | 9704353430 | ZPHS KHANAPUR |
71 | V Pravalika | vpravalika[at]gmail[dot]com | 9398809439 | Pingili Junior College Girls |
72 | V Devika | Sambaiah[dot]107[at]gmail[dot]com | 8464039184 | Government junior college Govindaraopet |
73 | D THEJASWINI | dubasiakshaya[at]gmail[dot]com | 7569871377 | ZPHS BOYS NARSAMPET |
74 | S SAI SHASHANK | sheshank[at]gmail[dot]com | 9963193695 | SCHOLARS HIGH SCHOOL JPN ROAD WARANGAL |
75 | CH BHAVYASRI | bhavyasri[dot]chengala[at]gmail[dot]com | 9640745989 | ZPHS KATRIYALA |
76 | POTHARAJU CHARAN | POTHARAJUCHARAN2024[at]gmail[dot]com | 9652056947 | ZPHS CHOUTAPALLY |
77 | pashikantiritheshchandra | rithesh[at]gmail[dot]com | 9959284472 | MOTHERS LAND HIGH SCHOOL |
78 | Prasanna | sindhamprasanna[at]gail[dot]com | 7095476680 | ZPHS THIRUMALAYAPALLY |
79 | A HASINI | koutilyahs[at]gmail[dot]com | 9393949848 | St Amen High School |
81 | dussaanvith | anvith[at]gmail[dot]com | 9630137499 | MOTHERS LAND HIGH SCHOOL |
82 | G Ashwintej | Ashwintej54[at]gmail[dot]com | 7386182551 | Government junior college Govindaraopet |
83 | E Sneha | esneha24[at]gmail[dot]com | 9581298998 | Pingili Junior College Girls |
84 | SHANAGARAPU PURNA CHANDER | purnachander[at]gmail[dot]com | 9849805472 | SCHOLARS HIGH SCHOOL JPN ROAD WARANGAL |
85 | Md Asifa | Mdasifa[at]gmail[dot]com | 9704353430 | ZPHS KHANAPUR |
86 | B SHIVANI | shivani[dot]bandari[at]gmail[dot]com | 6305518198 | ZPHS KATRIYALA |
87 | alakantivinuthna | vinuthna[at]gmail[dot]com | 9849609753 | MOTHERS LAND HIGH SCHOOL |
88 | BADAVATH RAMU | BADAVATHRAMU2024[at]gmail[dot]com | 9652056947 | ZPHS CHOUTAPALLY |
89 | K chinuku | kchinuku24[at]gmail[dot]com | 9701334143 | Pingili Junior College Girls |
90 | Rakshitha | annepurakshitha[at]gmail[dot]com | 6301560763 | ZPHS THIRUMALAYAPALLY |
91 | MD MAHIN | mohmadazeem[at]gmailo[dot]com | 8247324714 | ZPHS BOYS NARSAMPET |
92 | poshalavanitha | vanitha[at]gmail[dot]com | 6304189406 | MOTHERS LAND HIGH SCHOOL |
93 | BADAVATH LAXMAN | BADAVATHLAXMAN[at]gmail[dot]com | 9652056947 | ZPHS CHOUTAPALLY |
94 | AFIFA AFREEN | navyasreedumpeti[at]gmail[dot]com | 9704306974 | SCHOLARS HIGH SCHOOL JPN ROAD WARANGAL |
95 | Jinukalatejaswi | tejaswi123[at]gmail[dot]com | 7013883101 | MOTHERS LAND HIGH SCHOOL |
96 | S SRIJA | sabbanivarshan[at]gmail[dot]com | 9640356351 | ZPHS BOYS NARSAMPET |
97 | G SARIKA | sarika[dot]gorukonti[at]gmail[dot]com | 9573576790 | ZPHS KATRIYALA |
98 | M Venkatanikitha | mvenkatanikitha[at]gmail[dot]com | 6301626594 | Pingili Junior College Girls |
99 | G AKSHAYA | akshaya[dot]gorukonti[at]gmail[dot]com | 9652589166 | ZPHS KATRIYALA |
100 | J SIRI | jsiri[at]gmail[dot]com | 9704353430 | ZPHS KHANAPUR |
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