S.NO | Name | Mobile | Club Name | |
1 | V AMULYA | amulyav123[at]gmail[dot]com | 9963241573 | MOUNT BASIL HIGH SCHOOL |
2 | A AADHYA | aadhya002[at]gmail[dot]com | 7660054251 | MOUNT BASIL HIGH SCHOOL |
3 | P ASHRITHA REDDY | officembhs2020[at]gmail[dot]com | 9640613335 | MOUNT BASIL HIGH SCHOOL |
4 | Jeswika | vashapakajeswika[at]gmail[dot]com | 8341681330 | ZPHS THIRUMALAYAPALLY |
5 | Santhosh | banothsanthosh[at]gmail[dot]com | 9704974188 | ZPHS THIRUMALAYAPALLY |
6 | Mamatha | banothmamatha[at]gmail[dot]com | 8712155375 | ZPHS THIRUMALAYAPALLY |
7 | Gouthami | gajavelligouthami[at]gmail[dot]com | 9705545525 | ZPHS THIRUMALAYAPALLY |
8 | Abhishek Jaiswal | aj[dot]abhishek1998[at]gmail[dot]com | 7272807335 | Bal Sanskarshala Singhiya |
9 | Veerolla Bheeraiah | Veerallabheeraiah[at]gmail[dot]com | 7842484504 | MJPTBCWREIS BOYS SCHOOL BIBIPET |
10 | M Sphoorthi | Spoorthimacharla[at]gmail[dot]com | 9121376032 | Government junior college Govindaraopet |
11 | sravan kumar | azmersravan123[at]gmail[dot]com | 9704065203 | Balaji institute of technology and science |
12 | rohith goud | gaddamrohith678[at]gmail[dot]com | 6304712629 | Balaji institute of technology and science |
13 | aravind | cheralaaravind8947[at]gmail[dot]com | 6305835209 | Balaji institute of technology and science |
14 | Arun | Arun709526[at]gmail[dot]com | 6301743633 | Government Polytechnic Nalgonda |
15 | Godige karthik | Karthikgodige7[at]gmail[dot]com | 6302946948 | Government Polytechnic Nalgonda |
16 | Pranathi | Pranathi251[at]gmail[dot]com | 8639980408 | Government Polytechnic Nalgonda |
17 | Kodadala pallavi | Kodadalapallavi[at]gmail[dot]com | 8019549970 | Government Polytechnic Nalgonda |
18 | Bhimanapally pooja sri | Bhimanapallypoojasri[at]gmail[dot]com | 9553651757 | Government Polytechnic Nalgonda |
19 | Mohammad shahed | Mohammadshahedabbas8[at]gmail[dot]com | 9550825224 | Government Polytechnic Nalgonda |
20 | Akanksh reddy | g[dot]akankshreddy[at]gmail[dot]com | 7569823749 | Government Polytechnic Nalgonda |
21 | B shiva | Bshi[at]9131 | 9603755905 | Zphs laybarthy |
22 | N ganesh | Ngan[at]9139 | 9177257030 | Zphs laybarthy |
23 | P durgaprasad | Pdut[at]9129 | 9007677187 | Zphs laybarthy |
24 | U saikrishna | Usai[at]9127 | 9704294194 | Zphs laybarthy |
25 | Ch raju | Chra[at]9126 | 9701969569 | Zphs laybarthy |
26 | B ravali | Brav[at]9125 | 9177257030 | Zphs laybarthy |
27 | GSANDHYA | gummulasandhya[at]gmail[dot]com | 7670875583 | Government Degree College For Women Autonomous Jagtial |
28 | U sravanthi | Usra[at]9124 | 9704294194 | Zphs laybarthy |
29 | GOUTHAMI | gouthami1[at]gmail[dot]com | 7893736785 | Government Degree College For Women Autonomous Jagtial |
30 | M nandini | Mnan[at]9123 | 9908172326 | Zphs laybarthy |
31 | NAKSHAYA | akshyashreenivas[at]gmail[dot]com | 7674091649 | Government Degree College For Women Autonomous Jagtial |
32 | MERUGU PRIYANITHA | merugupriyanitha[at]gmail[dot]com | 9705143058 | NETHAJI VOCATIONAL JUNIOR COLLEGE |
33 | T BHANU | bhanu[dot]t2024[at]gmail[dot]com | 8143825445 | SANDEEPANI DEGREE COLLEGE |
34 | M jashwanth | Mjas[at]8133 | 9603775233 | Zphs laybarthy |
35 | T NANDU | nandu[dot]t2024[at]gmail[dot]com | 7569017452 | SANDEEPANI DEGREE COLLEGE |
36 | MEHAKBHANU | sahaddulla08[at]gmail[dot]com | 9666058541 | Government Degree College For Women Autonomous Jagtial |
37 | SIMRAN JAJU | simran[dot]jaju24[at]gmail[dot]com | 7013518973 | SANDEEPANI DEGREE COLLEGE |
38 | ANUGULA KALYANI | kalyanianugula[at]gmail[dot]com | 8520886840 | NETHAJI VOCATIONAL JUNIOR COLLEGE |
39 | U durga bhavani | Udur[at]8132 | 9000767187 | Zphs laybarthy |
40 | KENDA RAMYA | ramyakenda2[at]gmail[dot]com | 7386612505 | NETHAJI VOCATIONAL JUNIOR COLLEGE |
41 | ABHAVANI | sathannaradha[at]gmail[dot]com | 7013900798 | Government Degree College For Women Autonomous Jagtial |
42 | B PALLAVI | tmrjcmedakg1[at]gmail[dot]com | 7396146685 | TELANGANA MINORITIES RESIDENTIAL JUNIOR COLLEGE MEDAK GIRLS 1 |
43 | KANDI SRILATHA | srilathak[at]gmail[dot]com | 7032445561 | NETHAJI VOCATIONAL JUNIOR COLLEGE |
44 | V KEERTHISREE | sadiyasamreen099[at]gmail[dot]com | 8790161422 | TELANGANA MINORITIES RESIDENTIAL JUNIOR COLLEGE MEDAK GIRLS 1 |
45 | J durga sambaraju | Jdur[at]8131 | 9000767187 | Zphs laybarthy |
46 | G SRINIDHI | guntukusrinidhi[at]gmail[dot]com | 8688053002 | SANDEEPANI DEGREE COLLEGE |
47 | T KALYAN | kajalturekar[at]gmail[dot]com | 6281084853 | SANDEEPANI DEGREE COLLEGE |
48 | sri harish | sriharish11[at]gmail[dot]com | 8522002076 | geethanjali school |
49 | P SUHASINI | soujanyanerella95[at]gmail[dot]com | 9177665934 | TELANGANA MINORITIES RESIDENTIAL JUNIOR COLLEGE MEDAK GIRLS 1 |
50 | CH NAVEEN | chukkanaveen56[at]gmail[dot]com | 9392743129 | SANDEEPANI DEGREE COLLEGE |
51 | P santhu | San[at]8129 | 9502211207 | Zphs laybarthy |
52 | VARIKUPPALA MANUSHA | varikuppalamanusha[at]gmail[dot]com | 6302309685 | NETHAJI VOCATIONAL JUNIOR COLLEGE |
53 | MD AFRIN | mahoomadafrin[at]gmail[dot]com | 9059935718 | SANDEEPANI DEGREE COLLEGE |
54 | GSHRUTHI | shruthigandam3[at]gmail[dot]com | 9949757272 | Government Degree College For Women Autonomous Jagtial |
55 | S rithwik | Srit[at]8128 | 9542154565 | Zphs laybarthy |
56 | P VIHARIKA | peddammalaviharika3[at]gmail[dot]com | 9505112792 | SANDEEPANI DEGREE COLLEGE |
57 | HIBA FATHIMA | sameenajabeen2020[at]gmail[dot]com | 7995824151 | TELANGANA MINORITIES RESIDENTIAL JUNIOR COLLEGE MEDAK GIRLS 1 |
58 | sushanth | sushan44[at]gmail[dot]com | 8328161981 | geethanjali school |
59 | K DEVARAJU | devarajukeesari[at]gmail[dot]com | 6300634939 | SANDEEPANI DEGREE COLLEGE |
60 | K KAPIL | mrkapie24[at]gmail[dot]com | 7794072824 | SANDEEPANI DEGREE COLLEGE |
61 | P rakesh | Prak[at]8127 | 9502211207 | Zphs laybarthy |
62 | K MAHESH KUMAR | maheshkammari13[at]gmail[dot]com | 7386724051 | SANDEEPANI DEGREE COLLEGE |
63 | PANJALI | pentaanjalikdl[at]gmail[dot]com | 9573423940 | Government Degree College For Women Autonomous Jagtial |
64 | KETHAN | kethan55[at]gmail[dot]com | 9390103490 | geethanjali school |
65 | G SINDHUJA | teereshwari[at]gmail[dot]com | 7671038161 | SANDEEPANI DEGREE COLLEGE |
66 | harshitha | panyalasrinivasgoud[dot]com81[at]gmail61 | 9866741982 | NARSAPUR GIRLS Yuva club |
67 | K SRIKANTH | kondesanjeevulusanjeevulu[at]gmail[dot]com | 9014529006 | SANDEEPANI DEGREE COLLEGE |
68 | VADLA NANDU | nanduvadla21[at]gmail[dot]com | 6305553190 | SANDEEPANI DEGREE COLLEGE |
69 | B VAMSHI | vamshiburri17[at]gmail[dot]com | 7075930650 | SANDEEPANI DEGREE COLLEGE |
70 | MOHD ASIF | mohammedasif8500[at]gmail[dot]com | 9391261803 | SANDEEPANI DEGREE COLLEGE |
71 | MKALPANA | kalpana1[at]gmail[dot]com | 9492963061 | Government Degree College For Women Autonomous Jagtial |
72 | V HARIKA | vadlaharika647[at]gmail[dot]com | 9550755482 | SANDEEPANI DEGREE COLLEGE |
73 | K TEJA SRI | tejukuttikamuni[at]gmail[dot]com | 6301139544 | SANDEEPANI DEGREE COLLEGE |
74 | Ch pooja | Chpo[at]8126 | 9000767187 | Zphs laybarthy |
75 | ashwini | prakashpelya7[at]gmail[dot]com | 9676182980 | NARSAPUR GIRLS Yuva club |
76 | G KALYANI | padigekalyani8[at]gmail[dot]com | 9182453656 | SANDEEPANI DEGREE COLLEGE |
77 | G SANDHYARANI | ranisandhya36[at]gmail[dot]com | 9640452511 | SANDEEPANI DEGREE COLLEGE |
78 | P KUMARASWAMY | pl-inl-wglu-bcrsb[at]telangana27[dot]gov[dot]in | 6304051160 | MJPTBCWR SCHOOL INAVOLE |
80 | A RAJKUMAR | pl-inl-wglu-bcrsb[at]telangana26[dot]gov[dot]in | 6304051160 | MJPTBCWR SCHOOL INAVOLE |
81 | M reshmitha | Mres[at]8125 | 9492439941 | Zphs laybarthy |
82 | A RANJITH | ranjithaeloori1[at]gmail[dot]com | 9948776993 | SANDEEPANI DEGREE COLLEGE |
83 | sandya | pocharamraju8596[at]gmail[dot]com | 9640230619 | NARSAPUR GIRLS Yuva club |
84 | M RANJITH | malothranjith484[at]gmail[dot]com | 9640393300 | SANDEEPANI DEGREE COLLEGE |
85 | KNIKHITHA | NikhithareddyNikhithareddy2[at]gmail[dot]com | 6300809481 | Government Degree College For Women Autonomous Jagtial |
86 | B HARISH KUMAR | bhukyaharishrathod[at]gmail[dot]com | 8897226005 | SANDEEPANI DEGREE COLLEGE |
87 | P pooja | Ppoo[at]8124 | 9000767187 | Zphs laybarthy |
88 | B NIKHIL KUMAR | nikhilburry14[at]gmail[dot]com | 7093964560 | SANDEEPANI DEGREE COLLEGE |
89 | BHUVANA SRI | krishnagyaraboina[at]gmail[dot]com | 9393992328 | SPRTOURISMCLUB |
90 | sreevally | bpochaiah[at]gmail[dot]com | 8179205383 | NARSAPUR GIRLS Yuva club |
91 | ASHRITHA | sreevidhya1111[at]gmail[dot]com | 9966614424 | SPRTOURISMCLUB |
92 | RUTHWIK SAI | srikanth[dot]velpula10[at]gmail[dot]com | 9492207259 | SPRTOURISMCLUB |
93 | PSUSHMITHA | sushmithapolasa[at]gmail[dot]com | 9392500331 | Government Degree College For Women Autonomous Jagtial |
94 | PREETI | sharadhaspr[at]gmail[dot]com | 9951374409 | SPRTOURISMCLUB |
95 | PARNIKA | dokoori[dot]rams[at]gmail[dot]com | 9640003429 | SPRTOURISMCLUB |
96 | BASKA GNANESHWAR | pl-inl-wglu-bcrsb[at]telangana25[dot]gov[dot]in | 6304051160 | MJPTBCWR SCHOOL INAVOLE |
97 | VARSHINI | nareshthouti141[at]gmail[dot]com | 9010072192 | SPRTOURISMCLUB |
98 | ESRAM REVANTH | pl-inl-wglu-bcrsb[at]telangana24[dot]gov[dot]in | 6304051160 | MJPTBCWR SCHOOL INAVOLE |
99 | sahithi | rishivallandeshivallandeshi[at]gmail[dot]com | 9652346877 | NARSAPUR GIRLS Yuva club |
100 | RAMCHARAN | shanthibushan5[at]gmail[dot]com | 9640849429 | SPRTOURISMCLUB |
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