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Member List

S.NO Name Email Mobile Club Name
1 Tanishq Chatterjee tanishqc1906[at]gmail[dot]com 9007508058 TECHNO INDIA GROUP PUBLIC SCHOOL YTC
2 Shivayan Chatterjee gora[dot]souvik[at]gmail[dot]com 9432092787 TECHNO INDIA GROUP PUBLIC SCHOOL YTC
3 U Sivanand usivanand813[at]gmail[dot]com 7569051152 Government college for men kurnool AP
4 Vineet Rathod Vineethpandu2001[at]gmail[dot]com 9182021407 GOVERNMENT COLLEGE FOR Men kurnool
5 dhanashri yashwant sane sanedhanashri87[at]gmail[dot]com 9420972799 shri shivaji arts and commerce collage amravati
6 Diya Talukdar ktalukder1990[at]gmail[dot]com 8961099840 TECHNO INDIA GROUP PUBLIC SCHOOL YTC
7 Afreen shaikafreen59244[at]gmail[dot]com 8179347199 Government college formen
8 B pavan bpavanseravath[at]gmail[dot]com 7993245943 Government college for men
9 Nagaraju nr4691523[at]gmail[dot]com 6300795970 Government college for men kurnool
10 Aruna arunapagidala6[at]gmail[dot]com 9391773251 Government college formen
11 Adhi naikadi071[at]gmail[dot]co 7207920041 Government college for men kurnool
12 SAPPOGU PRADEEP sappogupradeep13[at]gmail[dot]com 7815925144 Government college formen kurnool ap
13 Om Shrivastava vivomsri[at]gmail[dot]com 8240705842 TECHNO INDIA GROUP PUBLIC SCHOOL YTC
14 Sonakshi Dutta sonakshidutta005[at]gmail[dot]com 8961588386 TECHNO INDIA GROUP PUBLIC SCHOOL YTC
15 Joyeeta Biswas joydeb2016[dot]biswas[at]gmail[dot]com 6290395409 TECHNO INDIA GROUP PUBLIC SCHOOL YTC
16 Ayush Chakraborty snehachakraborty1989[at]gmail[dot]com 7003317291 TECHNO INDIA GROUP PUBLIC SCHOOL YTC
17 Suryansh Sharma suryanshsharma2009[at]gmail[dot]com 9007708145 TECHNO INDIA GROUP PUBLIC SCHOOL YTC
18 Janvi Singh asingh906[at]gmail[dot]com 8918322410 TECHNO INDIA GROUP PUBLIC SCHOOL YTC
19 Shirsho Banerjee basujhulan09[at]gmail[dot]com 9830196244 TECHNO INDIA GROUP PUBLIC SCHOOL YTC
20 Ansh Pandey anshp5880[at]gmail[dot]com 8697098381 TECHNO INDIA GROUP PUBLIC SCHOOL YTC
21 Akansha Mallick m[dot]anindita020[at]gmail[dot]com 7003980053 TECHNO INDIA GROUP PUBLIC SCHOOL YTC
22 Anushka Sharma sharmarakhi01901[at]gmail[dot]com 8337050114 TECHNO INDIA GROUP PUBLIC SCHOOL YTC
23 Sayan Halder kumarhaldersajal5[at]gmail[dot]com 9883802525 TECHNO INDIA GROUP PUBLIC SCHOOL YTC
24 Titash Das baishakhid[dot]2020[at]gmail[dot]com 8777796485 TECHNO INDIA GROUP PUBLIC SCHOOL YTC
25 Rudrakshi Mukherjee tigpskonuso[at]gmail[dot]com 9804943415 TECHNO INDIA GROUP PUBLIC SCHOOL YTC
26 D Vishnuvardhan vishnu879052[at]gmail[dot]com 6305403340 Government college for men kurnool
27 Radha bandiradha83175[at]gmail[dot]com 8317522311 Government college formen
28 Y ravi kumar manasanani438[at]gmail[dot]com 7601038938 Government college for men Kurnool AP
29 Y ravi kumar ravikumary306[at]gmail[dot]com 7601038938 Government collage for men Kurnool AP
30 Upendra malaupendra7[at]gmail[dot]com 6300538195 Government college formen Andra Pradesh
31 HD Sreenivasulu srinusms098[at]gmail[dot]com 9381409549 Government College Formen kurnool
32 M sumanth msumanth246[at]gmail[dot]com 7386408210 Government collage for men kurnool AP
33 Hanumanna bhanumanna450[at]gmail[dot]com 9110795858 Government college Formen
34 Anil anilkumarpilla35[at]gmail[dot]com 9391405466 Government college for men Kurnool
35 Rohit rohithmanjula597[at]gmail[dot]com 9381434484 Government College formen kurnool
36 Bharath bharathkokkola[at]gmail[dot]com 9381620854 Government degree college for mention kurnool
37 Manoj Pmanojkumar1111122[at]gmail[dot]com 7674869384 Government college formen Kurnool Andhra Pradesh
38 ADDAKULA VENKATASWAMY venkatswamy830[at]gmail[dot]com 9032037514 GDC MEN KURNOOL
39 Ravi Kumar ravi[at]gmail[dot]com 1234569874 KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA RWP BELA
40 MK Anand pstohmt[at]gmail[dot]com 6395908390 JKHS school