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Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Almora district Uttarakhand

Run for Unity Event

On the occasion of Rashtriya Ekta Diwas, also known as National Unity Day, on October 31, 2023, the Yuva Tourism Club of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Almora organized a Run for Unity event. Students from all grades participated in the event, which began with a brief speech by the school Principal on the importance of national unity and the contributions of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the Iron Man of India. The Run for Unity event was a resounding success. It was a great way to celebrate Rashtriya Ekta Diwas and to promote the message of national unity among students. The event also helped to raise awareness of the contributions of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel to the nation.

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National Unity Day Report On October 31, 2023, Kids World School held a morning assembly in honour of National Unity Day. During this assembly, a speech was presented to the students and staff regarding the significance of National Unity Day and its connection to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who played a pivotal role in uniting the nation of India. The report highlighted the importance of unity, diversity, and the contributions of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in the integration of India after independence. The presentation aimed to educate the audience about the life and achievements of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, emphasizing his instrumental role in unifying the various princely states into a single nation. It also underscored the relevance of unity in a diverse and culturally rich country like India. In an effort to instill the values of unity, diversity, and harmony among our students and staff, Kids World School celebrated National Unity Day with great enthusiasm and pride. A solemn unity pledge was administered to all, reminding everyone of the significance of this day in India's history. The unity pledge was recited with utmost sincerity. It served as a reminder that, regardless of our differences, we are all part of one nation. The pledge emphasized the importance of respecting and celebrating our cultural diversity, while at the same time working towards a united and inclusive India. This provided an opportunity for students to understand the historical context of this day and its relevance in contemporary India. The assembly served as an opportunity for students and staff to understand the historical and contemporary significance of National Unity Day and the legacy of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in the context of national unity and integration. It fostered a sense of patriotism and unity among the school community. National Unity Day at Kids World School was not just an event; it was a collective commitment to uphold the principles of unity and diversity. Students and staff left the celebration with a renewed sense of purpose, determined to contribute to a stronger, more harmonious India. As we observed National Unity Day, we are reminded that unity is our strength, and together, we can build a brighter and more inclusive future for our country.

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Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College of Arts and Sciences

To explore the treasures of India

Exploring the Treasures of India! The Department of B. Voc Tourism and Travel Management of Ramnarain Ruia college organized the Guest Lecture on 10th October 2023. The speaker was Mr. Omkar Kadam. He is the owner of the Traveller’s thing company. He has his specialties in Andaman and Leh Ladakh. He has now started with the North eastern side too. The objective for the lecture was to understand the Islands of Andaman and tribe, Sightseeing of Leh - Ladakh and Rough sketch itinerary of Meghalaya. This lecture was conducted in G13 at 12:00 pm to 2:30pm. He started with his introduction and his Company's introduction. He gave the detailed explanation on Andaman and Nicobar Islands. He explained each and every point which is important for the destination knowledge. Omkar sir then started with the Leh - Ladakh and continued further with Itinerary explanation of Meghalaya. He not only explained us the rough Itinerary but also did the costing of the same. Afterwards he himself made one Ladakh itinerary and made the cost sheet in excel in front of us and explained us the formulas and format to be made. And in this way we ended up the session. Some students asked their queries which were promptly solved by the speaker. The session ended on a good note. Every fresh mind learned something new.

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Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College of Arts and Sciences

World Photography Day

Celebration of World Photography Day 2023 The department of B.Voc Tourism and Travel Management of Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College, organized the event on the occasion of World Photography Day which was conducted on 19th August, 2023. The objective of World Photography Day is multifaceted, ranging from celebrating the art of photography to promoting awareness, education, and appreciation for this visual medium and its impact on society and culture. It was organized by the TTM students itself. All the three year batches were invited. It was just a guest lecture for 2 hours from 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM in F5 class of Senior college. The Guest speaker Ameya Bhave, is very found in Nature and Wildlife Photography. He has qualified his degree in Advertisement and Marketing. He is into photography since 2009. His main interest is in Birding, Wildlife and Travel photography. He uses Canon EOS R5 AND Canon EOS R7 with variety of lenses. He has lmost trotted through all the jungles of Northeast for Mammals and Birds. He also teaches photography on field and work as a field guide for birding in Uttarakhand. He has also been awarded in many National and International Photography competitions and salons. Adding on to his certification he is a recipient of the distinction AFIP (Association of Federation of Indian Photography). We started with the event by Introduction of the college and premises. Reshma Randive felicitated him with the token of Appreciation and then the stage was handed over to Ameya Bhave. He started by introducing himself and talking about photography. He explained about the photography in detailed. How many types of photography are there, how can you click the photo, how many camera types are there, how are they used, how much do they cost, etc. He just explained each and every point. Also shared his experience during on field. We saw the photos and videos of his photography. At the end the floor was open to all for the questions. Some students showed their work to the sir and took suggestion for the improvements. Ended the day with the closing ceremony. Everyone enjoyed the workshop. ________________________

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Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College of Arts and Sciences

World Tourism Day

The department of B.Voc Tourism and Travel Management of Ramnarain Ruia Autonomous College, organized the event on the occasion of World Photography Day which was conducted on 19th August, 2023. The objective of World Photography Day is multifaceted, ranging from celebrating the art of photography to promoting awareness, education, and appreciation for this visual medium and its impact on society and culture. It was organized by the TTM students itself. All the three year batches were invited. It was just a guest lecture for 2 hours from 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM in F5 class of Senior college. The Guest speaker Ameya Bhave, is very found in Nature and Wildlife Photography. He has qualified his degree in Advertisement and Marketing. He is into photography since 2009. His main interest is in Birding, Wildlife and Travel photography. He uses Canon EOS R5 AND Canon EOS R7 with variety of lenses. He has lmost trotted through all the jungles of Northeast for Mammals and Birds. He also teaches photography on field and work as a field guide for birding in Uttarakhand. He has also been awarded in many National and International Photography competitions and salons. Adding on to his certification he is a recipient of the distinction AFIP (Association of Federation of Indian Photography). We started with the event by Introduction of the college and premises. Reshma Randive felicitated him with the token of Appreciation and then the stage was handed over to Ameya Bhave. He started by introducing himself and talking about photography. He explained about the photography in detailed. How many types of photography are there, how can you click the photo, how many camera types are there, how are they used, how much do they cost, etc. He just explained each and every point. Also shared his experience during on field. We saw the photos and videos of his photography. At the end the floor was open to all for the questions. Some students showed their work to the sir and took suggestion for the improvements. Ended the day with the closing ceremony. Everyone enjoyed the workshop.

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Nalanda Vidya Niketan, Vijayawada

YTC Educational Tour to North India

Yuva Tourism Club of Nalanda Vidya Niketan, Vijayawada visited North India - Delhi, Shimla and Chandigarh during their educational trip

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Heal School

A visit to Bhavani Island

Visually impaired and blind students of Heal School visited Bhavani Island as a part of Yuva Tourism Club - excursion trip. Club members participated in various outdoor activities including boating, walking around the island, etc. Tourism department conducted a session on the importance of Tourism for club members and Travel for LiFE pledge was taken by the children at Bhavani Island.

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Kamal Model Sr. Sec School, Delhi

The Unity Day pledge ceremony

The Unity Day pledge ceremony is a solemn event held in our schools, which instills the spirit of unity, patriotism, and national pride in the hearts of young students. The pledge is a reaffirmation of their commitment to the idea of a united and harmonious India The Unity Day Pledge taken by students is a vital component of the National Unity Day celebration. It inspires the youth to uphold the values and principles of unity, integrity, and patriotism. This pledge ceremony holds a special place in nurturing the future of our nation

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A written exam of 60 marks was conducted for 1 hour duration in English, Hindi and Marathi languages. No of Participants-55 Venue- CKT Junior college Newpanvel, Navimumbai.

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Government School- Harsil,Dharali, Jhala,Mukhwa

Painting/ Poster Making/ slogan making/ along with Cleanliness Awareness Drive at Vibrant Village Festival at Harsil Village,Uttarakhand

Vibrant Village Festival at Harsil Village, District Uttarkashi, Uttarakhand. A workshop on the Yuva Tourism Club was conducted at Festival. Yuva tourism club was formed of Government School- Harsil,Dharali, Jhala,Mukhwa. This educational programme aimed to engage the youth in promoting tourism and preserving the local heritage. Approximately, 60 YTC members also participated in the event. Painting, Poster Making competition and slogan making competing were also organised for YTC members to nurture creativity among the local youth.The themes revolved around tourism, culture and environmental conservation.The prizes were distributed by DTDO Uttarkasi, Block Education officer & TIO India Tourism Delhi. A Cleanliness awarenessd drive was also organised in association with local and the Yuva Tourism Club, to raise awareness about the importance of cleanliness and Swachhta in the village.

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Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Champawat district, Uttarakhand

Swachata hi seva Cleanliness drive

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Champawat District Uttarakhand organized a Swachata hi seva Cleanliness drive in the school. The drive was organized by the school administration in association with the students, teachers, and staff. The students and teachers then divided themselves into groups and started cleaning the school premises. They cleaned the classrooms, corridors, playgrounds, and other areas. They also collected garbage from the school premises and disposed of it properly. The cleanliness drive was a great success. It helped to create awareness about the importance of cleanliness among the students, teachers, and staff. The school is now much cleaner and tidier than before.

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Kendriya Vidyalaya ITBP Gauchar Chamoli District Uttarakhand

Swachata hi seva

Kendriya Vidyalaya ITBP Gauchar Chamoli district Uttarakhand organized a Swachata hi seva Cleanliness drive in the school. The drive was organized by the school administration in association with the students, teachers, and staff. The students and teachers then divided themselves into groups and started cleaning the school premises. They cleaned the classrooms, corridors, playgrounds, and other areas. They also collected garbage from the school premises and disposed of it properly. The cleanliness drive was a great success. It helped to create awareness about the importance of cleanliness among the students, teachers, and staff. The school is now much cleaner and tidier than before.

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