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Shri B S Mootha Girls Senior Secondary School

Sensitization Program

The YUVA Tourism Club of Shri B S Mootha Girls Senior Secondary School, organized an enriching trip to Hampi, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The trip aimed to provide an educational and culturally immersive experience for the students of class X and Xll. Accompanied by six teachers and tour organizers, a group of 93 students, eagerly embarked on this journey from 24th July to 28th July 2023. One of the highlights of the trip was the visit to the Virupaksha Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva. They had the opportunity to learn about the rich religious and cultural significance of the temple. The students explored iconic landmarks such as the Lotus Mahal, and Chitradurga Fort, immersing themselves in the architectural wonders of the region. To further enhance their learning experience, the students actively participated in various creative activities like poster making, PowerPoint presentations, and painting enhanced their understanding and appreciation of Hampi's heritage. Overall, this trip proved to be a captivating and educational experience for all the students enriching their knowledge and creating lasting memories. The YUVA Tourism Club of Shri B S Mootha Girls Senior Secondary School organized an Educational Expedition for classes VI to VIII to Tadoba Andhari Tiger reserve in Maharashtra, from October 29th to November 2nd, 2023. A group of 24 students, accompanied by two teachers and tour organizers delved into the natural wonders and wild life offerings of the renowned tiger reserve. During this enriching trip the students participated in a variety of activities that provided them with a holistic experience. The highlight of the trip was the thrilling two day and night safari in the tiger reserve forest, offering the students an opportunity to witness the majestic tigers in their natural habitat. The itinerary featured a range of activities including Kayaking, Scavenger hunt, Bamboo weaving, Drawing and basket spinning which enhanced the students to immerse themselves in the local culture and tradition of the region. Additionally, the students had the chance to interact with the locals and the guides who shared their knowledge about the diverse flora and fauna of the region. Overall, the trip provided the students a well round educational experience that combined adventure, cultural immersion and wild life conservation. The YUVA Tourism Club of Shri B S Mootha girls senior secondary school, orchestrated an educational trip for class IX and XI to the culturally rich state of Odisha’s capital Bhubaneswar from November 24th to 27th, 2023. A contingent of 63 students, accompanied by four teachers and tour organizers, immersed themselves in the historical and architectural wonders of the state, visiting iconic sites such as the Konark Sun Temple, Toshali Temple, Raja Rani Temple, and the historic Dhauli Shanti Stupa. Alongside exploring these famous landmarks, the students actively engaged in creative pursuits, participating in activities such as poster making, PowerPoint presentations, album making, essay writing, drawing, painting and logo designing. This immersive blend of cultural exploration and artistic expression undoubtedly enriched the educational experience of all the participants.

Tamil Nadu view all


Field Trip

Tourism club conducted a field trip on 23.December at Samskriti Sahajeevana Kendram near Pattuvam. Students engaged in various activities. There was a workshop for our children related to the topic, mingling with our nature presented by Father Rajesh. Students visited to sahajeevanam Park to see many birds and animals. * activities were conducted for children. Trucking Hiking, walking along trails. Camping Identify different trees and plants. High rise adventures Club students visited one house. The sculptural works of house with woods and other paintings and old materials were very informative.

Kerala view all

BPS Yuva Tourism Club

Field Visit Report Visit to Cloning Center Laxmipuram

The field visit to the Eucalyptus Plant Cloning Center was an enriching experience for the students of Grade 9. They acquired knowledge about the method of cloning from shoots and witnessed the practical implementation of this technique in a controlled laboratory environment. The visit provided them with insights into plant reproduction and enhanced their understanding of the cloning process. Overall, the field trip was successful in achieving its objectives, and the students left the center with a deeper appreciation for the role of cloning in plant propagation.

Telangana view all

Yuva tourism club Pemraj Sarda Jr College

सुप्रसिद्ध इतिहासतज्ज्ञ प्रसाद तारे यांचे व्याख्यान

*भारतीय वास्तूरचनेचं शास्र डोळसपणे समजून घ्या - प्रसाद तारे.* येथील हिंद सेवा मंडळाच्या पेमराज सारडा महाविद्यालयातील युवा पर्यटन मंडळातर्फे पुणे येथील सुप्रसिद्ध इतिहास तज्न मा. सतीश तारे यांचे शनिवार दि.२३ डिसेंबर रोजी बहुउद्देशीय सभागृहात व्याख्यान आयोजित करण्यात आले होते. या प्रसंगी तारे यांनी भारतीय वास्तूरचना आणि महाराष्ट्र या विषयावर सखोल आणि चिकित्सक वृत्तीने भाष्य केले. भारतीय वास्तूरचनेचे महत्व, कोणार्क मंदिरापासून ते तंजावर आणि वेल्लोर पर्यंतची वास्तू शैली समोर ठेवत उदाहरणांसह विविध पैलू आणि शास्त्रीय दृष्टिकोन समोर ठेवत त्यांनी ओघवत्या शैलीत स्पष्ट केले.या वेळी मोठ्या संख्येने विद्यार्थी उपस्थित होते. तब्बल सव्वा तास महाविद्यालयीन युवकांशी संवाद साधत त्यानी सभागृहातील वातावरण मंत्रमुग्ध केले.पाषाणातील बांधकाम, त्यामागची संस्कृती,शैली, विचार, तत्कालीन राजवटींच्या पाऊलखुणा यांचा सहसंबंध त्यांनी स्पष्ट केला.प्रागैतिहासिक काळापासून वास्तूरचना कशाप्रकारे विकसित होत गेल्या, पाषाणातून केवळ छन्नी- हातोडीच्या आधारे निर्माण केलेल्या गुहा ते परिपूर्ण, देखण्या व वैभवशाली मंदिरापर्यंतचा प्रवास त्यांनी खुमासदार शैलीत उलगडत नेला.विविध राजवटीच्या प्रभावामुळे तसेच भौगोलिक स्थानामुळे मंदिरांच्या रचनेवर होत जाणारा परिणाम त्यांनी गोपूर या संकल्पनेसह स्पष्ट केला. त्या काळात आधुनिक साधनं उपलब्ध नसतानाही अवजड दगड मंदिराच्या बांधकामासाठी उंचावर वाहून नेणे, समूह नियोजन, व्यवस्थापन व त्यातील सुनियोजित पणा या बाबींचा प्रामुख्याने उल्लेख केला. मंदिराच्या बांधकामातील बारकावे कोरीव काम, प्रतिकात्मक हत्ती निवडण्यामागची कारणमीमांसा स्पष्ट केली. कोणार्क मंदिराचा दाखला देत त्या काळी आधुनिक विज्ञान संपर्क नसतानाही कर्कवृत्त, अक्षवृत्त, रेखावृत्त या माहितीच्या आधारे सुर्याच्या भासमान परिभ्रमणाचा सखोल विचार करून तेथील चक्रात्मक घड्याळं अचूक वेळ कशी दर्शवतात याची सखोल माहिती त्यांनी दिली. येथील प्रत्यक्षात पाषाणातील असणारं हुबेहूब लाकडासारखं दृष्यमान भासणारं चक्र व त्यापाठीमागील कलात्मक दृष्टीकोन त्यांनी स्पष्ट केला.कैलास लेणी वरुन खाली कशा पद्धतीने कोरल्या, महाराष्ट्रातील जमीनीखालील आठ मजली मंदिराचा उल्लेख व त्यापाठीमागचं तंत्रज्ञान याचाही त्यांनी परामर्ष घेतला. विशेषत्वाने त्यांनी एक गोष्ट नमूद केली की जगभरातील पाषाणात जेवढं रचनात्मक बांधकाम झालंय त्यापैकी ८० टक्के हे भारतात झालंय आणिक भारतातील या बांधकामापैकी ८० टक्के काम हे महाराष्ट्रातील आहे! आपल्या ओघवत्या भाषण शैलीत त्यांनी परकीय आक्रमणापासून बचाव करण्यासाठी छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज यांची दुरदृष्टी आणि युद्धनीती, सपाट भूभागावरील तसेच उंचावरील किल्ले बांधकामांची गरज, त्यापाठीमागील शास्त्र,समुद्राच्या पाण्यात किल्ले सिंधुदुर्ग सारखी निर्मिती या बाबींचा विशेष उल्लेख केला. त्याचबरोबरीने दक्षिण भारतातील तंजावर आणि वेल्लोर येथील महाराजांच्या नावाने असलेला शिलालेख आणि त्याचं महत्त्व अधोरेखित केले.तत्कालीन कागदपत्रे, महाराजांच्या शत्रूकडूनही महाराजांबद्दल करण्यात आलेलं कौतुक व गौरवोद्गार यांची कारणमीमांसा केली. महाविद्यालयाच्या प्राचार्य डॉ. माहेश्वरी गावीत यांनी आपल्या अध्यक्षीय भाषणात या निमित्ताने मौर्य,गुप्त, सातवाहन,चौल,चालुक्य, यादव अशा विविध राजवटीत निर्माण झालेल्या सांस्कृतिक, सामाजिक, वैचारिक, संक्रमणाचा आकृतीबंध तसेच त्याचा स्थापत्य कलेशी असणारा सहसंबंध स्पष्ट केला. तत्कालीन राजवटीत विविध बांधकामाच्या निमित्ताने दिला जाणारा राजाश्रय व भौगोलिक परिस्थिती व परंपरा यानुसार स्थापत्यशास्त्रात होत गेलेली संक्रमणे त्याचबरोबरीने या शास्त्रातील संशोधक वृत्तीचे महत्व अधोरेखित केले. सुरवातीला प्रमुख अतिथी मा.प्रसाद तारे यांचं हिस्ट्री एक्स्पिडीशन या माध्यमातून चालणारं काम यासंबंधीची माहिती तसेच त्यांचा परिचय प्रा. मंदार वैद्य यांनी करून दिला.या प्रसंगी पर्यवेक्षक प्रा. गिरीश पाखरे,प्रा. डॉ.राजू रिक्कल ,प्रा.डॉ. सुजित कुमावत, प्रबंधक अशोक असेरी आदी उपस्थित होते. कार्यक्रमाचे आभार प्रा. डॉ.नवनाथ भोंदे यांनी केले. कार्यक्रमाच्या यशस्वीतेसाठी महाविद्यालयातील युवा पर्यटन मंडळातील सर्व सदस्य,कला, वाणिज्य आणि शास्त्र शाखेतील प्राध्यापकांनी परिश्रम घेतले.

Maharashtra view all

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Haridwar Uttarakhand

Sensitization Program

In an evening filled with bated breath and soaring excitement, the Yuva Tourism Club students of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Haridwar Uttarakhand had the once-in-a-lifetime experience of witnessing. The event, marked a momentous occasion for young astronomy enthusiasts, igniting their curiosity and passion for space exploration.

Uttarakhand view all

Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel Govt College Devtalab Dist Mauganj

युवा पर्यटन क्लब कार्यशाला

दिनांक 20.12.2023 को सरदार वल्लभ भाई पटेल शासकीय महाविद्यालय देवतालाब, जिला-मऊगंज में पर्यटन मंत्रालय भारत सरकार एवं उच्च शिक्षा विभाग म.प्र. शासन के निर्देशानुसार एवं प्राचार्य डॉ. एच.एन. गौतम की अध्यक्षता में ‘‘युवा पर्यटन क्लब’’ क्लब कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया गया। शासन द्वारा देश के युवाओं को नवाचार, उद्यमिता एवं समावेशिता की संस्कृति के निर्माण के लिए सतत प्रोत्साहित किया जा रहा है। कार्यक्रम का शुभारम्भ दीप प्रज्ज्वलन एवं मां सरस्वती के माल्यार्पण से हुआ। तदोपरान्त अतिथियों का स्वागत, स्वागत गीत एवं पुष्पगुच्छ के माध्यम से किया गया। प्राचार्य डॉ. एच.एन. गौतम द्वारा विद्यार्थियों से रीवा जिले के प्राकृतिक एवं ऐतिहासिक स्थलों का भ्रमण करने के लिए आह्वान किया एवं डिजिटल माध्यमों से सभी स्थलों को वैश्विक स्तर तक पहुंचाने के लिए प्रेरित किया। कार्यक्रम के समन्वयक डॉ. विजय मिश्रा द्वारा पर्यटन मंत्रालय भारत सरकार के युवा पर्यटन क्लब के बारे में विस्तार से जानकारी दी एवं छात्र-छात्राओं को पर्यटन एवं आतिथ्य को कैरियर कैसे बनाएं, इसके संबंध में जानकारी प्रदान की गई। इस अवसर पर महाविद्यालय से डॉ. स्वाती सोनी, श्री रजनीश त्रिपाठी, डॉ. पंकज मैत्रेय, डॉ. नवीन कुमार शर्मा, डॉ. नफीस अमान खान, श्री रविकान्त चौधरी , डॉ. लालबहादुर तिवारी, डॉ. धर्मेन्द्र कुमार पटेल, डॉ. अबधेश सिंह कुशवाह श्रीमती ज्योत्सना मिश्रा, श्रीमती स्नेहल सिंह परिहार , श्रीमती प्रभा त्रिपाठी, डॉ. मधु कुमारी सोनकर, डॉ. रश्मि पाण्डेय आदि समस्त कर्मचारी एवं छात्र-छात्रा उपस्थित हुए। कार्यक्रम का संचालन कार्यक्रम के समन्वयक डॉ. विजय मिश्रा द्वारा एवं आभार डॉ. प्रियंका द्विवेदी द्वारा व्यक्त किया गया।

Madhya Pradesh view all

R AND D E Engrs English School

Tourism Day

Tourism is an important driving force for inclusive socio-economic development, with significant potential to stimulate enterprise and job creation, particularly for women and young people. Tourism is a social, cultural, and economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for personal or business or professional purposes. In our R & DE [Engre] School we had conducted various programs like workshops in which our students had given information and quiz on Tourism. We had also conducted other activities and creative ideas to attract children's mind towards Tourism. These activities were in the form of: essays, quiz, speech, drawings, slogans, posters, Powerpoint presentation, etc.

Maharashtra view all

R AND D E Engrs English School

Tourism Day

Tourism is an important driving force for inclusive socio-economic development, with significant potential to stimulate enterprise and job creation, particularly for women and young people. Tourism is a social, cultural, and economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for personal or business or professional purposes. In our R & DE [Engre] School we had conducted various programs like workshops in which our students had given information and quiz on Tourism. We had also conducted other activities and creative ideas to attract children's mind towards Tourism. These activities were in the form of: essays, quiz, speech, drawings, slogans, posters, Powerpoint presentation, etc.

Maharashtra view all

R AND D E Engrs English School

Tourism Day

Tourism is an important driving force for inclusive socio-economic development, with significant potential to stimulate enterprise and job creation, particularly for women and young people. Tourism is a social, cultural, and economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for personal or business or professional purposes. In our R & DE [Engre] School we had conducted various programs like workshops in which our students had given information and quiz on Tourism. We had also conducted other activities and creative ideas to attract children's mind towards Tourism. These activities were in the form of: essays, quiz, speech, drawings, slogans, posters, Powerpoint presentation, etc.

Maharashtra view all

R AND D E Engrs English School

Tourism Day

Tourism is an important driving force for inclusive socio-economic development, with significant potential to stimulate enterprise and job creation, particularly for women and young people. Tourism is a social, cultural, and economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for personal or business or professional purposes. In our R & DE [Engre] School we had conducted various programs like workshops in which our students had given information and quiz on Tourism. We had also conducted other activities and creative ideas to attract children's mind towards Tourism. These activities were in the form of: essays, quiz, speech, drawings, slogans, posters, Powerpoint presentation, etc.

Maharashtra view all

R AND D E Engrs English School

Tourism Day

Tourism is an important driving force for inclusive socio-economic development, with significant potential to stimulate enterprise and job creation, particularly for women and young people. Tourism is a social, cultural, and economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for personal or business or professional purposes. In our R & DE [Engre] School we had conducted various programs like workshops in which our students had given information and quiz on Tourism. We had also conducted other activities and creative ideas to attract children's mind towards Tourism. These activities were in the form of: essays, quiz, speech, drawings, slogans, posters, Powerpoint presentation, etc.

Maharashtra view all

R AND D E Engrs English School

Tourism Day

Tourism is an important driving force for inclusive socio-economic development, with significant potential to stimulate enterprise and job creation, particularly for women and young people. Tourism is a social, cultural, and economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to countries or places outside their usual environment for personal or business or professional purposes. In our R & DE [Engre] School we had conducted various programs like workshops in which our students had given information and quiz on Tourism. We had also conducted other activities and creative ideas to attract children's mind towards Tourism. These activities were in the form of: essays, quiz, speech, drawings, slogans, posters, Powerpoint presentation, etc.

Maharashtra view all