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Government Senior Secondary School, Agatti

Beach cleaning activity at Lagoon Beach, Agatti Island

The Yuva Tourism Club of Government Senior Secondary School, Agatti was inaugurated with a Beach Cleaning Activity on 14.1.2023. The introductory session was attended by officials from school and volunteers from various fields associated with development of Lakshadweep Islands. The students conducted a beach cleaning activity at Lagoon Beach, Agatti. After the cleaning activity, there was a discussion on most commonly found waste item and ways to reduce plastic usage. The students opined that plastic bottles and diaper pads were the most commonly found waste items and expressed their resolve that they would reduce plastic usage. The session with an interesting dumbcharades session on "Actions that Matter" and a Sensitization Rally.

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Kendriya Vidyalaya - Kavaratti

Cycle Rally promoting Responsible Tourism

Yuva Tourism Club, Kendriya Vidyalaya Kavaratti in association with India Tourism Kochi organized a cycle rally on 09.12.2022 to promote responsible tourism and cycling tourism in Lakshadweep. The rally aimed at creating awareness on benefits of cycling and its role in combating climate change. The rally also aimed to promote eco-tourism as cycling is a popular zero carbon emission sport. The members gave a speech on the benefits of cycling and a Cycling Trail Itinerary Design competition was also held. The students participated with great enthusiasm and curated cycling trails for Kavaratti island.

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Indian Culinary Institute, Tirupati

Temple Tour for Foreign Delegates

Yuva Tourism Club organized a temple tour for the foreign delegates from Barcelona, Spain and guided them at the Parasurameswara Temple (believed to be the first Shiva Temple in India) and the heritage of this temple, about our culture was explained

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Guajarati High School , Mattancheery

Holi Celebration

Celebrated the Holi Festival with enthusiastic YTC members of Mattanchery Gujarathi High School on 8th March 2023 and discussed about the importance of the festival

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Indian Culinary Institute, Tirupati

Temple Tour

Yuva Tourism Club organized to take Mahala University's 40 students to Parasurameswara Temple (believed to be the first Shiva Temple in India) and explained the visitors about the heritage of this temple

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KV Ezhimala Kannur

Drawing Competition

A Drawing Competition under the theme of Tourism in India was organized for the YTC members of KV Ezhimala Kannur on 25.01.2023.

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KV Pattom (Shift 1, Shift 2), Trivandrum

Tourist Site Visit & Paining Competition

A Tourist Site Visit & Paining Competition was organized for the YTC members of KV Pattom (Shift 1, Shift 2), Trivandrum on 25.01.2023. Around 30 students participated in the event

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Bharatiya Vidhyabhavan, Kannur

Drawing Competition

as part of world heritage day celebration YTC members of Bhartiya Vidhyabhavan, Kannur has organized a Drawing competition on 18th April 2023 to understand the importance of Heritage tourism.

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KV No.1 Naval Base Ernakulam

Drawing & Painting Competition

A Drawing & Painting Competition under the theme of Tourist’s hotspots in Kerala was organized for the YTC members of KV No.1 Naval Base Ernakulam on 25.01.2023. Around 30 students participated in the event

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Sarvani School


The Sarvani Scholl YTC went for a eco tour to Kumagramam Village -The Vedic Village .The students had a wonderful experience after the visit .

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Kendriya Vidhyalaya Adoor Shift 2

Drawing Competition

To create awareness about the World Heritage sites to the students during the celebration of World Heritage Day, a drawing competition was organized for the YTC members of KV Adoor Shift 2on 18th April 2023.

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KV No.2 Kasaragod

Brochure Making Contest

A Brochure Making Contest under the theme of Tourist Destinations in Kasaragod District was organized for the YTC members of KV No.2 Kasaragod on 25.01.2023.

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