03 Oct 2023
02 Oct 2023
On June 21st 2023, our college, the Garware Institute of Career Education and Development, celebrated International Yoga Day. The event featured yoga sessions attended by 45 students from our institute. Additionally, an orientation session was conducted during which we received information about the origins of yoga, the best yoga centers in India, and various types of yoga postures along with their benefits.
read more02 Oct 2023
We all school staff and ytc students participated in Ek Tarikh Ek Tas Sharma dan programme to clean school nearby area and other area in the concern village.
read more02 Oct 2023
*Name Of Institution*:Janardan Bhagat Shikshan Prasarak Sansthas, Changu Kana Thakur Secondary And Higher Secondary Vidyalaya New Panvel Event: Cleanliness Drive *Swachhata Abhiyan - "Swachhata Hi Seva" -* on the occasion of *Gandhi Jayanti* . *Guest of Honour*: Principal Sir Supervisor Sir and Members of Yuva Tourism Club Description: 40 students participated actively in the cleanliness drive ( shramadaan) at sharp 10 am . Areas cleaned: Area and road beside college till station. Time : 1 hour
read more01 Oct 2023
'Students were make a rally "Swachchhata Jagrukta Rally"and spread the message of "Swachchhata Hi Sewa" under the banner of Yuva Tourism Club also done the "Shramdan" by cleaning the area.
read more30 Sep 2023
Name of the Institute - SSPM Day School and Junior College, Pune ,-1 Number of Students participation - 08 Date & Venue - 25th September 2023 Competition- Debate Competition Description - On the occasion of World Tourism Day 2023 SSPM Day School and Junior College Yuva Tourism Club members conducted Debate Competition . Topic - Alternative Energy is our Future. #YTC -#TourismExplorers -#AISSMS -#ministryoftourism -#yuvatourism -#tourismforall #indiatourismmumbai #solarenergysystem #alternativenergy #WorldToursimDay #environmentconservation
read more30 Sep 2023
27 सप्टेंबर रोजी, "जागतिक पर्यटन दिनाचे अवचित्तसाधुन विद्यार्थ्याचे लक्ष वेधून घेण्यासाठी आणि पर्यटनाबद्दल जागरूकता पसरवण्याच्या दृष्टीने हा उपक्रम राबविण्यात आला.
read more29 Sep 2023
BharatiVidyapeeth Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology celebrated World Tourism Day by organizing three competitions related to Tourism. First Competition was regarding Traditional Dress Competition in which 20 students participated. The students came with different attire from different states and religions such as Nepal, Konkan, Gujrat, Maharashtra which represented diversity in culture. Second Competition was Rangoli Competition and theme which was given to students were " Tourism and Green Economy". There were total 10 students participated in this competition. The students made Rangoli's with given theme showcasing global warming effect, green economy, effect of tourism on economy. Third Competition which was conducted was Quiz Competition which was online mode and theme for was UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India .As it was online many students participated in this competition. The event was appreciated by Principal Sir Dr.Wilson Lukose and all other facility members.
read more29 Sep 2023
BharatiVidyapeeth Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology celebrated World Tourism Day by organizing three competitions related to Tourism. First Competition was regarding Traditional Dress Competition in which 20 students participated. The students came with different attire from different states and religions such as Nepal, Konkan, Gujrat, Maharashtra which represented diversity in culture. Second Competition was Rangoli Competition and theme which was given to students were " Tourism and Green Economy". There were total 10 students participated in this competition. The students made Rangoli's with given theme showcasing global warming effect, green economy, effect of tourism on economy. Third Competition which was conducted was Quiz Competition which was online mode and theme for was UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India .As it was online many students participated in this competition. The event was appreciated by Principal Sir Dr.Wilson Lukose and all other facility members.
read more29 Sep 2023
झाडे लावल्याने पर्यावरणीय संस्कृती कळेल तसेच जंगल आणि वन्यजीवांचे संरक्षण करण्यास मदत होईल.
read more29 Sep 2023
महाराष्ट्रचे स्थानाविशिष्ट असलेल्या पोळा या सणासंबंधी जागरुकता वाढवणे.
read more29 Sep 2023
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