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Member List

S.NO Name Email Mobile Club Name
1 SHESHANTHGOUD esheshanthgoud[at]gmail[dot]com 6303858708 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
2 D GANESH d[dot]ganesh391[at]gmail[dot]com 6304861391 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
3 K JANAKIRAM ramrathod420540[at]gmail[dot]com 7993816265 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
4 SATEeSH kavalipentaiah[at]gmail[dot]com 9441996801 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
5 AFZAL BEGUM m89038573[at]gmail[dot]com 7995461576 GDCWA Karimnagar
6 KARNAKOTA RITHIKA karnakotarithika[at]gmail[dot]com 6301312088 MOUNT BASIL HIGH SCHOOL
7 K MAHESH kmahesh249[at]gmail[dot]com 9652013249 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
8 V SHIVA shivavislavatha2[at]gmail[dot]com 9642150239 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
9 R RAVIKEERTHAN rapolulukesh[at]gmail[dot]com 9182567463 ZPHS CHITYALA
10 PRAHARSHITHA K praharshitha[at]gmail[dot]com 8074950528 MOUNT BASIL HIGH SCHOOL
11 VINEETHKUMAR sangamnanij[at]gmail[dot]com 7815990844 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
12 nunavath madhavi nunavathmadhavi[at]gmail[dot]com 7569447687 Zilla parishad Girls High School
13 VISHNU jvishnuyadav980[at]gmail[dot]com 9398153235 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
14 B Maheshwari uarvindkumar190[at]gmail[dot]com 9652496084 Government junior college Koilkonda
15 A RAMCHARAN mrnani696[at]gmail[dot]com 7893610755 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
16 Nalla Nithin nallanithin[at]gmail[dot]com 9030807096 RAMAKRISHNA JUNIOR COLLEGE
17 YASMEEN BEGUM mmohammeds336[at]gmail[dot]com 7093025056 GDCWA Karimnagar
18 A PRAKASH aprakash905[at]gmail[dot]com 8520850905 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
19 SURESH naninaik52375[at]gamil[dot]com 6305218962 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
20 Adiba Naaz sureshpattigari[at]gmail[dot]com 9949289659 ZPHS MAMIDIPALLE
21 KADICHARLA KEERTHI kadicherlakeerthi[at]gmail[dot]com 9849747937 MOUNT BASIL HIGH SCHOOL
22 P Rajashekar shekarpadige602[at]gmail[dot]com 9010040568 VASISHTHA DEGREE AND PG COLLEGE
23 B BHARGAVRAM ykanna45[at]gmail[dot]com 9676640844 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
24 PATLAVATH JAHNAVI patlavathjahnavi[at]gmail[dot]com 8978215215 MOUNT BASIL HIGH SCHOOL
25 HAINDHAVI G haindhavi[at]gmail[dot]com 9703636136 MOUNT BASIL HIGH SCHOOL
26 B GANESH bandofig176[at]gmail[dot]com 6304939379 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
27 N PRASANTH nprasanth059[at]gmail[dot]com 9502467059 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
29 GAYATHRI SHARANYA REDDY sharanyareddy[at]gmail[dot]com 9907990752 MOUNT BASIL HIGH SCHOOL
30 SAMREEN sameerpasha25948[at]gmail[dot]com 7893235003 GDCWA Karimnagar
31 SRINIVASULU srinivasulud801[at]gmail[dot]com 9110720364 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
32 V RAKESH rr9424347[at]gmail[dot]com 7981613527 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
33 CHAITRA D chaitrad881[at]gmail[dot]com 9573712445 MOUNT BASIL HIGH SCHOOL
34 VENKATESH venkateshvenkateshbadboy[at]gmail[dot]com 9347598461 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
35 Chandanagiri Nikitha chandanagirirajesh123[at]gmail[dot]com 9963976362 GOVERNMENT JUNIOR COLLEGE RAIKAL
36 ALEKHYA K alekhyak001[at]gmail[dot]com 8464927393 MOUNT BASIL HIGH SCHOOL
37 K NARESH knaresh306[at]gmail[dot]com 9989347306 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
38 AKULA KUMAR gjckoheda47017[at]gmail[dot]com 6305019309 GOVT JUNIOR COLLEGE KOHEDA SIDDIPET DIST
39 AKSHARA B akshara0101[at]gmail[dot]com 7989027036 MOUNT BASIL HIGH SCHOOL
40 K BALARAJ murakdla1[at]gmail[dot]com 7569760389 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
41 KRISHNAIAH pothulachennamma537[at]gamil[dot]com 9010559568 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
42 S Saikumar sriramrajeshwari[at]gmail[dot]com 8014353543 VASISHTHA DEGREE AND PG COLLEGE
43 MEENAAZ tousifuddin130[at]gmail[dot]com 7396983209 GDCWA Karimnagar
44 K AKSHAY sbiakshara[at]gmail[dot]com 8500522544 SRI BALAJI HIGH SCHOOL
45 BALU balu[at]gmail[dot]com 8143105830 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
46 geetha pttgeetha[at]gmail[dot]com 9958327269 Zilla parishad Girls High School
47 SRIRAM kummanashanna99[at]gmail[dot]com 7674873369 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
48 D VENKATESH devnkatesha871[at]gmail[dot]com 9701256853 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
50 SYED REHAN rehanullahhussainisyed[at]gmail[dot]com 6303679254 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
51 K MAHESH k[dot]mahesh350[at]gmail[dot]com 9441584350 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
52 P ARUN patlavathararunrathod123[at]gmail[dot]com 9652415412 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
53 ytcsrinath goudnani9[at]gmail[dot]com 9440713674 Government junior COLLEGE
54 SRINU j9028562[at]gmail[dot]com 6300926614 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
55 AMREEN BEGUM shaikyaqoobshaikyaqoob54[at]gmail[dot]com 9000759298 GDCWA Karimnagar
56 J SHIVA NAYAK jshivajshiva360[at]gmail[dot]com 9346007384 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
57 KARUNAKAR karthik6463835[at]gmail[dot]com 9398945724 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
58 A RAMESH aramesh874[at]gmail[dot]com 9398865874 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
59 CH PRABHAKAR prabhakarchandragiri260[at]gmail[dot]com 9948034711 ZPHS CHITYALA
60 SHIVA KUMAR mudhirajshiva6510[at]gmail[dot]com 8919394261 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
61 A AKASH powernayak79[at]gmail[dot]com 8655120273 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
62 VARSHITH REDDY T tattepallybhaskar[at]gmail[dot]com 9247023509 SVKM SCHOOL
63 SUMAYYA FATHIMA fathimasumayya848[at]gmail[dot]com 8309614720 GDCWA Karimnagar
64 VENU sanamandavenu[at]gmail[dot]com 9381964859 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
65 K MAHESH maheshkurva23[at]gmail[dot]com 8688619463 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
66 C AJAY SANJYMBNR[at]GMAIL[dot]COM 9492256110 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
68 harika rameharika[at]gmail[dot]com 7093586735 Zilla parishad Girls High School
69 PRASAD prasadmaxx121[at]gmail[dot]com 9346286303 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
70 VISHWA BHARATHI HS - A vishwabharathihs1995[at]gmail[dot]com 7569053541 VISHWA BHARATHI HIGH SCHOOL JANAMPET
71 PARAMESHWAR parmeshkumar18[at]gmail[dot]com 9989090988 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
72 SIDDHIKA REDDY P projarani[at]gmail[dot]com 9247023509 SVKM SCHOOL
73 J VAISHNAVI jallyvaishnavi4[at]gmail[dot]com 9553627570 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
74 J SHIVA KUMAR j[dot]shivakumar488[at]gmail[dot]com 8977942488 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
75 K SURENDER zphschityala38[at]gmail[dot]com 9866117568 ZPHS CHITYALA
76 ASFIA KHANAM khanamasfia295[at]gmail[dot]com 7093775661 GDCWA Karimnagar
77 VASU B vasuvasu8547[at]gmail[dot]com 9912183656 MOUNT BASIL HIGH SCHOOL
78 PRADEEP thalariprakash2002[at]gmail[dot]com 9985394037 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
79 VARDHAN B vardhan2255[at]gmail[dot]com 9948698622 MOUNT BASIL HIGH SCHOOL
80 CH MEGHANA msiyasathali6211[at]gmail[dot]com 9866478972 ZPHS GADIPEDDAPUR
81 TEJAS MANIKANTA E manikanta7214[at]gmail[dot]com 7396773269 MOUNT BASIL HIGH SCHOOL
83 K VISHAL K[dot]VISHAL287[at]GMAIL[dot]COM 9346952287 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
84 T NANDHINI banugoud0005[at]gmail[dot]com 9392583676 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
85 KONDA SUNNY mjptbcwrsmogullapally3[at]gmail[dot]com 9912996127 MJPTBCWR JUNIOR COLLEGE
86 SHIVA KUMAR shivapothula10[at]gmail[dot]com 6302685642 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
87 M VINAY zphsgdpdpr[at]gmail[dot]com 9866478972 ZPHS GADIPEDDAPUR
88 SRIYANSH MUDULI shivam756[at]gmail[dot]com 9247023509 SVKM SCHOOL
89 H HARITHA hanmanisinivas[at]gmail[dot]com 9515236806 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
90 GOUTHAM RAJ burramukkunarshimulu[at]gamil[dot]com 9618694689 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
91 KURIMILLA MANVITH mjptbcwrsmogullapally2[at]gmail[dot]com 9908155323 MJPTBCWR JUNIOR COLLEGE
92 TEJESHWAR REDDY V tejeshwar[at]gmail[dot]com 9703413441 MOUNT BASIL HIGH SCHOOL
93 VL SHASHIDHAR vl[dot]shashi[at]gmail[dot]com 9966999663 VIDYALATHA VOCATIONAL JUNIOR COLLEGE
94 SAIMA NAYYER saimanayyer8[at]gmail[dot]com 7569891280 GDCWA Karimnagar
95 S DEEVENRAJ deevenraj000[at]gmail[dot]com 9014467011 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
96 KILLO BALAKRISHNA killobalakrishna[at]gmail[dot]com 9182537821 GOVTASHRAMASCHOOLLOCHALIPUTTU
97 B KRISHNAVENI banilyadav808[at]gmail[dot]com 9505881427 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
98 K MEGHANA kumar[dot]ashwin1987[at]gmail[dot]com 9866478972 ZPHS GADIPEDDAPUR
99 SAI KUMAR GOUD goud69926[at]gmail[dot]com 9963863055 Government Vocational Junior College Mahabubnagar
100 SAHASRA T nagarjunagoud19[at]gmail[dot]com 9247023509 SVKM SCHOOL