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Member List

S.NO Name Email Mobile Club Name
1 K Madhusudan reddy mreddy52964[at]gmail[dot]com 7780598291 KRR GOVERNMENT ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLEGE
2 B Ramesh bhukyarameshnaik696[at]gmail[dot]com 9381813790 KRR GOVERNMENT ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLEGE
3 P Pavani Banothbanothpavani[at]gmail[dot]com 6300804593 KRR GOVERNMENT ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLEGE
4 B Madhu Madhubanoth555[at]gmail[dot]com 8885414626 KRR GOVERNMENT ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLEGE
5 B Ramesh banothramesh2001[at]gmail[dot]com 9391251403 KRR GOVERNMENT ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLEGE
6 T Bhumika bhumikatummakomma[at]gamil[dot]com 7995293670 KRR GOVERNMENT ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLEGE
7 B Srikanth srikanthbanoth[at]gmail[dot]com 8466839917 KRR GOVERNMENT ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLEGE
8 LAMBA REVAN narsanna[at]gmail[dot]com 9490255672 TGMS konaraopet
9 K JAGAN MOHAN jgnmohan987[at]gmail[dot]com 9848376222 ZPHS SANKIREDDYPALLY
10 RAGELLA AKSHAY ragellathirupathi[at]gmail[dot]com 9963046733 TGMS konaraopet
11 MUSHKAM HARSHITH malleshamvanaparthi2[at]gmail[dot]com 9177139492 TGMS konaraopet
12 PADIGE SAICHARAN saicharanpadige7[at]gmail[dot]com 9676333461 TGMS konaraopet
13 KARNALA GEETHIK karnalageethik[at]gmail[dot]com 9866061329 TGMS konaraopet
14 PENTA VARUN pentervarun[at]gmail[dot]com 9515719363 TGMS konaraopet
15 CHALLA ASHRITH REDDY challanarayana001[at]gmail[dot]com 9533337942 TGMS konaraopet
16 ENAGANDULA AKHILESH ishrath[dot]kjkc[at]gmail[dot]com 8106316021 TGMS konaraopet
17 NIDHANAPU ANJI kankaiahnidanapu[at]gmail[dot]com 9440213218 TGMS konaraopet
18 DANDU MARUTHI CHARN dandukavitha[at]gmail[dot]com 9963045508 TGMS konaraopet
19 BIJJI ABHINAY gadapa[dot]praveenkumar1[at]gmail[dot]com 7569550803 TGMS konaraopet
20 KALLEPALLY NITHISH sumakallepally35[at]gmail[dot]com 8106894948 TGMS konaraopet
21 DHARSHANALA RAJIV DHARMA rajivdharmadharshanala[at]gmail[dot]com 9133718700 TGMS konaraopet
22 ENDLA PRAVEEN endlakalpana0[at]gmail[dot]com 9493973060 TGMS konaraopet
23 ADDAGATLA SHASHIVARDHAN addagatlagangadhar143[at]gmail[dot]com 9490456014 TGMS konaraopet
24 PILLI SAI CHARAN ashrithaashuashrithagowda[at]gmail[dot]com 8978021744 TGMS konaraopet
25 B VIGNESH Vignesh12[at]gmail[dot]com 7893966593 ZPHS VENKAMPET
26 DARSHANALA VISHNUVARDHAN darshanalamaheshmahesh[at]gmail[dot]com 9866827530 TGMS konaraopet
27 K ASHWITHA Ashwitha123[at]gmail[dot]com 9346229704 ZPHS VENKAMPET
28 LINGAMPELLI RANAJAI rajulingampelli8[at]gmail[dot]com 7093371035 TGMS konaraopet
29 V SAHASRA Sahasra12[at]gmail[dot]com 8919558935 ZPHS VENKAMPET
30 MAMIDIPELLI RESHWANTH reshwanthmamidipelli433[at]gmail[dot]com 7207401049 TGMS konaraopet
31 D KUSHAL Kushal12[at]gmail[dot]com 7013151928 ZPHS VENKAMPET
32 ANAGANDULA SRICHARAN TEJA anagandulasrinivas1234[at]gmail[dot]com 9642934845 TGMS konaraopet
33 M AKSHAYA Akshaya12[at]gmail[dot]com 7981817500 ZPHS VENKAMPET
34 V SHIVANI Shivani12[at]gmail[dot]com 7013877835 ZPHS VENKAMPET
35 DADE MANIKANTA dadesaritha32[at]gmail[dot]com 9652132346 TGMS konaraopet
36 Y SRIKAR Srikar123[at]gmail[dot]com 9441890925 ZPHS VENKAMPET
37 CHEEKOTI SRIDHAR BABU cheekotijyothi[at]gmail[dot]com 9642667848 TGMS konaraopet
38 D SHRAVANI Shravani12[at]gmail[dot]com 6301562941 ZPHS VENKAMPET
39 JILLELLA VARUN revathijillella[at]gmail[dot]com 8497945276 TGMS konaraopet
40 MD AFRIN Afrin12[at]gmail[dot]com 6304862982 ZPHS VENKAMPET
41 KATLE ANUDEEP katleanukatleanudeep[at]gmail[dot]com 9381351982 TGMS konaraopet
42 D NIHALCHANDRA Nihalchandra12[at]gmail[dot]com 9959500679 ZPHS VENKAMPET
43 N SHASHANK Shashank12[at]gmail[dot]com 7207202760 ZPHS VENKAMPET
44 V KEERTHANA Keerthana12[at]gmail[dot]com 9963084015 ZPHS VENKAMPET
45 G SHRUTHI Shruthi12[at]gmail[dot]com 9160087078 ZPHS VENKAMPET
46 KASTHURI VARUN tgms[dot]konaraopet[dot]knr[at]gmail[dot]com 9494364679 TGMS konaraopet
47 B VINAY Vinay12[at]gmail[dot]com 6309312005 ZPHS VENKAMPET
48 S SOWMYA Sowmya12[at]gmail[dot]com 8499082977 ZPHS VENKAMPET
49 Y CHAITHRA Chaithra12[at]gmail[dot]com 9959013656 ZPHS VENKAMPET
50 A VARSHITHA Varshitha12[at]gmail[dot]com 9493145683 ZPHS VENKAMPET
51 CH RAKESH Rakesh12[at]gmail[dot]com 6304685785 ZPHS VENKAMPET
52 V VARUNTEJA Varunteja12[at]gmail[dot]com 9959560007 ZPHS VENKAMPET
53 E NISHITHA Nishitha12[at]gmail[dot]com 9573101101 ZPHS VENKAMPET
54 P RAMYA Ramya12[at]gmail[dot]com 8019285684 ZPHS VENKAMPET
55 Likhith gugulothbodya32[at]gmail[dot]com 8374860020 Zphs Yellampeta
56 Joshwith sureshkaringula08[at]gmail[dot]com 9951752797 Zphs Yellampeta
57 Harish ajmeeraharish1[at]gmail[dot]com 8978002976 Zphs Yellampeta
58 Narmada medaboienaravimravi[at]gmail[dot]com 9849086107 Zphs Yellampeta
59 S AKHIL Akhil12[at]gmail[dot]com 9010657191 ZPHS VENKAMPET
60 D SIDDARTHA Siddartha12[at]gmail[dot]com 7013151928 ZPHS VENKAMPET
61 B NIHARIKA Niharika12[at]gmail[dot]com 9550620394 ZPHS VENKAMPET
62 M RAMCHARAN Ramcharan123[at]gmail[dot]com 8985937683 ZPHS VENKAMPET
63 Prasad m93571009[at]gmail[dot]com 8074367139 Zphs Yellampeta
64 Nikhil dharavath480[at]gmail[dot]com 9849249631 Zphs Yellampeta
65 Bhukya Shiva shivabhukya186[at]gmail[dot]com 7569607973 KRR GOVERNMENT ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLEGE
67 Kiran Kumar bathemmahesh19[at]gmail[dot]com 9908854929 Zphs Yellampeta
68 Bhukya Charan modumahesh[at]gmail[dot]com 9505329712 Zphs Yellampeta
69 B JAYASURYA Jayasurya12[at]gmail[dot]com 6303937683 ZPHS VENKAMPET
70 U ANANYA Ananya12[at]gmail[dot]com 9398397070 ZPHS VENKAMPET
71 M AVANTHIKA venusriramoju12[at]gmail[dot]com 9553395268 ZPHS VENKAMPET
72 RUDROJI MADHUHASINI tmfknr[at]gmail[dot]com 9951574704 ZPHS GORANTALA
73 Nisha mehaveen zphssangula2[at]gmail[dot]com 9573844049 ZPHS SANUGULA
74 Bandi vyshnavi bandiramesh8176[at]gmail[dot]com 9391445415 ZPHS G SHAYAMPET
75 MEKALA MADHAVI LATHA mmlatha2mail[at]gmail[dot]com 9676688784 ZPHSRUDRAVARAM
76 Ashwini Khanderao yuvrajkhanderao9[at]gmail[dot]com 8080064054 Sahadeorao Bhople Junior College Hiwarkhed
77 Arpita Labade labadegautam72[at]gmail[dot]com 8412840042 Sahadeorao Bhople Junior College Hiwarkhed
78 Nikita Rekhate sanjanarekhate02[at]gmail[dot]com 9130820098 Sahadeorao Bhople Junior College Hiwarkhed
79 Shivani Jambale jambaleraj055[at]gmail[dot]com 9284226643 Sahadeorao Bhople Junior College Hiwarkhed
80 Samiksha Patole patolesamiksha4[at]gmail[dot]com 9834777879 Sahadeorao Bhople Junior College Hiwarkhed
81 Ishwari Golait ishwarigolait[at]gmail[dot]com 8261021743 Sahadeorao Bhople Junior College Hiwarkhed
82 Rajshri Korde manishakorde718[at]gmail[dot]com 8806573141 Sahadeorao Bhople Junior College Hiwarkhed
83 Gauri Haridas Gawande manojgawande1855[at]gmail[dot]com 8603060609 Sahadeorao Bhople Junior College Hiwarkhed
84 Dnyaneshvari Sopan Fukat Dnyaneshvarifukat19[at]gmail[dot]com 9322049593 Sahadeorao Bhople Junior College Hiwarkhed
85 Krushnali Solanke sunilsolanke530[at]gmail[dot]com 9322016165 Sahadeorao Bhople Junior College Hiwarkhed
86 Prachi Punde sakshisureshpatole3238[at]gmail[dot]com 9021614592 Sahadeorao Bhople Junior College Hiwarkhed
87 Aachal Mhasal achalmhasal5815[at]gmail[dot]com 9049552865 Sahadeorao Bhople Junior College Hiwarkhed
88 Shrushti Gayaki kunalgayaki26[at]gmail[dot]com 9604234517 Sahadeorao Bhople Junior College Hiwarkhed
89 M RISHI mrishi123[at]gmail[dot]com 9866972175 ZPHS JOGAPUR
90 P PRANAY ppranay123[at]gmail[dot]com 9010957210 ZPHS JOGAPUR
91 G ASHWITH gashwith123[at]gmail[dot]com 9440599696 ZPHS JOGAPUR
92 V VARUN vvarun123[at]gmail[dot]com 9652305307 ZPHS JOGAPUR
93 MD IBRAHIM mdibrahim123[at]gmail[dot]com 7095450665 ZPHS JOGAPUR
94 CH CHARAN chcharan123[at]gmail[dot]com 7997700590 ZPHS JOGAPUR
95 G GANESH gganesh123[at]gmail[dot]com 7095777432 ZPHS JOGAPUR
96 T ASHOK tashok123[at]gmail[dot]com 9959449214 ZPHS JOGAPUR
97 G VENKATESH gvenkatesh123[at]gmail[dot]com 8897157349 ZPHS JOGAPUR
98 V ABHINAY vabhinay123[at]gmail[dot]com 8497933294 ZPHS JOGAPUR
100 V KEERTHANA vkeerthana123[at]gmail[dot]com 3614020060 ZPHS JOGAPUR