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Member List

S.NO Name Email Mobile Club Name
1 Subhajit Deoghuria mbatm23043[at]iimsirmaur[dot]ac[dot]in 8637390312 Indian Institute of Management Sirmaur
2 P V BINDU pvbindu1811[at]gmail[dot]com 8608445849 SMT K N SHAH PMC VIVEKANANDA VIDYALAYA
3 M SANGEETHA sangitam[dot]mca[at]gmail[dot]com 8807761192 SMT K N SHAH PMC VIVEKANANDA VIDYALAYA
4 nilaya waghmre kanishtawaghmare25316[at]gmail[dot]com 8799886245 R AND D E Engrs English School
5 sayee shinde sayeesunilShinde[at]gmail[dot]com 9850252999 R AND D E Engrs English School
6 Srushti Shinde srushtishinde942[at]gmail[dot]com 9860605655 R AND D E Engrs English School
7 Shraddha Gorge ramchamdragorge6767[at]gmail[dot]com 9370649235 R AND D E Engrs English School
8 Laxmi Sangolgi laxmisangolgi[at]gmail[dot]com 9579031556 R AND D E Engrs English School
9 Pranali Kadam pranalik224[at]gmail[dot]com 9322361981 R AND D E Engrs English School
10 Trisha Shirke trishashirke3[at]gmail[dot]com 9322758290 R AND D E Engrs English School
11 Pratha Nanda brijmohannanda90[at]gmail[dot]com 9822253366 R AND D E Engrs English School
12 Sayali Baswant manjubaswant73[at]gmail[dot]com 9623403159 R AND D E Engrs English School
13 Anupama Mourya satyammourya89566[at]gmail[dot]com 9518765614 R AND D E Engrs English School
14 Tanishka Bondarde bondarde[dot]tanishka[at]gmail[dot]com 9822995292 R AND D E Engrs English School
15 Arushi Mourya mouryaanita215[at]gmail[dot]com 9960885728 R AND D E Engrs English School
16 Sajiri Bhosle latabhosle45[at]gmail[dot]com 9823958195 R AND D E Engrs English School
17 Maheen Khan mhanmeheen1[at]gmail[dot]com 8010666363 R AND D E Engrs English School
18 Prachiti Gohire hemagohire[at]gmail[dot]com 8805467567 R AND D E Engrs English School
19 Sonu Pandit ravi9453761526[at]gmail[dot]com 9453761526 R AND D E Engrs English School
21 Shilpi Shrivastava shilpihillwoods[at]gmail[dot]com 9810533413 Hillwoods Academy
22 Aniket Lakhera aniketlakhera83[at]gmail[dot]com 7694038526 JSTPG College
23 Tulendra madavi tulendramadavi587[at]gmail[dot]com 7089204278 JSTPG College
24 Shubham katre katreshubham93[at]gmail[dot]com 8103160902 JSTPG College
25 Ghanistha yerpude ghanisthayerpude[at]gmail[dot]com 9770847701 JSTPG College
26 Krati Nagpure kratinagpure718[at]gmail[dot]com 9691344629 JSTPG College
27 Aayush bhalavi aayubhalavi589[at]gmail[dot]com 9589535312 JSTPG College
28 Namita uladi namitauladi[at]gmail[dot]com 7828077977 JSTPG College
29 Aakash nagose akashnagose650[at]gmail[dot]com 7610716482 JSTPG College
30 Aditya palke adityapalke20[at]gmail[dot]com 8085292557 JSTPG College
31 Aman khobragade khobragadeaman268[at]gmail[dot]com 9644382635 JSTPG College
32 Niranjan bisen niranjanbisen361[at]gmail[dot]com 9617016085 JSTPG College
33 Shraddha Shivvanshi shraddhashivvanshi69[at]gmail[dot]com 9977851569 JSTPG College
34 Bhupesh sonwane bhupeshsonwane8[at]gmail[dot]com 9993289784 JSTPG College
35 Piyush tembhare piyushtembhare000[at]gmail[dot]com 7803845959 JSTPG College
36 Disha Shandilya dishashandilya2005[at]gmail[dot]com 9165483048 JSTPG College
37 Roshni faye roshnifaye29[at]gmail[dot]com 8767818794 JSTPG College
38 Aakash Nagpure nagpure292[at]gmail[dot]com 8878309261 JSTPG College
39 Deepak patle deepakpatle490[at]gmail[dot]com 8718062661 JSTPG College
40 Vibhor goswami goswamivibhor142[at]gmail[dot]com 6263111244 JSTPG College
41 Gunjan lanjewar gunjanlanjewar94[at]gmail[dot]com 7723986133 JSTPG College
42 Yogita bhourgade yogitabhourgade[at]gmail[dot]com 8236639329 JSTPG College
43 Alka Patle apatle091[at]gmail[dot]com 8719067112 JSTPG College
44 Pooja bhongade poojabhongade094[at]gmail[dot]com 9111647422 JSTPG College
45 Sejal nageswar sejalnageswar56[at]gmail[dot]com 8815485932 JSTPG College
46 Ujjawal Vishvkarma vishujjwal79[at]gmail[dot]com 7067092980 JSTPG College
47 Pooja Rahangdale Poojarahangdale0908[at]gmail[dot]com 7803934892 JSTPG College
48 Priyeshi harinkhede priyeshiharinkhede[at]gmail[dot]com 9302752890 JSTPG College
49 Aditya thavkar adityathavkar19897[at]gmail[dot]com 9302711025 JSTPG College
50 Anjali watt anjliwatt[at]gmail[dot]com 6260779860 JSTPG College
51 Pragati shindey pragatishindey1657[at]gmail[dot]com 8225864727 JSTPG College
52 Shreya Mahurkar Shreyamahurkar3[at]gmail[dot]com 9098404993 JSTPG College
53 Purvi neware purvineware[at]gmail[dot]com 7489697485 JSTPG College
54 Shraddha nagpure shraddhalodhinagpure[at]gmail[dot]com 8103955661 JSTPG College
55 Saumya pandre saumyapandre8[at]gmail[dot]com 9303776001 JSTPG College
56 Prachi jhariya Prachinir1[at]gmail[dot]com 9285103017 JSTPG College
57 Vidhi kavde vidhik547[at]gmail[dot]com 9343211017 JSTPG College
58 Dharmendra pardhi pardhidharmendharam25[at]gmail[dot]com 6260070147 JSTPG College
59 Dharmendra pardhi pardhidharmendra25[at]gmail[dot]com 6260070147 JSTPG College
60 Ranu Rahangdale Ranurahangdale19[at]gmail[dot]com 8319352383 JSTPG College
61 Aman dongre amandongre12468[at]gmail[dot]com 8305786602 JSTPG College
62 Sahil mahule sahilmahule545[at]gmail[dot]com 8305036936 JSTPG College
63 Roshni Chouhan roshanichouhan174[at]gmail[dot]com 8770338656 JSTPG College
64 Pulkit rahangdale pulkitrahangdale62[at]gmail[dot]com 7806095709 JSTPG College
65 Praveen Nagdeve nagdevepravino9[at]gmail[dot]com 8103563350 JSTPG College
66 Dumendra patle dmpatle04[at]gmail[dot]com 9770632506 JSTPG College
67 Raginee lakshine gyaneshwarlakshine[at]gmail 9584465557 JSTPG College
68 Kanchan pardhi kanchanpardhi304[at]gmail[dot]com 7723926427 JSTPG College
69 Himanshu Daharwal himanshudaharwal88[at]gmail[dot]com 9174923415 JSTPG College
70 Aditi Minanath Sable priyadarshanischool2015[at]gmail[dot]com 9881801252 Priyadarshani International School
71 Nimisha nimisha[at]arwachinschool[dot]org 7503040291 ARWACHIN BHARTI BHAWAN
72 Kajal Yadav kajal[at]arwachinschool[dot]org 8447660633 ARWACHIN BHARTI BHAWAN
73 Diya Bisht diyabisht[at]arwachinschool[dot]org 7838963113 ARWACHIN BHARTI BHAWAN
74 SHUBH JAIN jainseema556[at]gmail[dot]com 9740601809 SINDHI HIGH SCHOOL
75 Anbarasu susmitha[at]gmail[dot]com 9943162497 SKV INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL
76 Assina Begam H ahaseena92[at]gmail[dot]com 9363371359 SKV INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL
77 Affrin H aswaraffrin[at]gmail[dot]com 9786159506 SKV INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL
78 Amal Infabt Joe V annaclara[dot]j[dot]1005[at]gmail[dot]com 9585856178 SKV INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL
79 Ashwini Vanarase indrayaniinternationalschool[at]gmail[dot]com 9970925648 IIS yuva tourism club
80 Karishma N veeralakshmi2k24[at]gmail[dot]com 9941008919 SKV INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL
81 Meena Mehta meenamehta7007[at]gmail[dot]com 9665046156 IIS yuva tourism club
82 Keerthana G manigeetha[at]gmail[dot]com 8489569704 SKV INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL
83 Neha Patadia neha[dot]speak89[at]gmail[dot]com 9766619830 IIS yuva tourism club
84 Kailash S sankarvino47[at]gmail[dot]com 8754652320 SKV INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL
85 Karishma Thacker karishmat[dot]indrayani[at]gmail[dot]com 9004617466 IIS yuva tourism club
86 Abishek M cm[dot]tn[dot]vtm[at]gmail[dot]com 7845257146 SKV INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL
87 Dipali Yadav dipaliindrayanischool[at]gmail[dot]com 9322116870 IIS yuva tourism club
88 Shivani V govindrajmilkburd[at]gmail[dot]com 7305844955 SKV INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL
89 Nikita Damle nikitadamle1[at]gmail[dot]com 9320057223 IIS yuva tourism club
90 Jayavel S sivakumar[at]gmail[dot]com 9787817224 SKV INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL
91 Sai Yogitha sharonsheela787[at]gmail[dot]com 9901851777 KNC Innovative Global School
92 Chiranth sharonsamuel[dot]knc[at]gmail[dot]com 9901851777 KNC Innovative Global School
93 Dhanush S info[at]kncinnovativeglobalschool[dot]com 9901851777 KNC Innovative Global School
94 ARAV JAGDISHBHAI PATEL Jp70070[at]gmail[dot]com 7350307585 Shri Parshwapradnyalay Dnyan Sanskar Mandir
95 MANOJ KIRAN BHANDARI kiranpbhandari[at]gmail[dot]com 9881226963 Shri Parshwapradnyalay Dnyan Sanskar Mandir
96 MANEET KUNAL SHAH maneetkunal68[at]gmail[dot]com 8286931271 Shri Parshwapradnyalay Dnyan Sanskar Mandir
97 ARYAN VIJAY KOTHARI vijaykothari1001[at]gmail[dot]com 9741575501 Shri Parshwapradnyalay Dnyan Sanskar Mandir
98 Krish Kumar sagar Kumarsagarkrish[at]gmail[dot]com 7668877628 J K INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC SCHOOL
99 Aditya adityabaisoya690[at]gmail[dot]com 8929650902 J K INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC SCHOOL
100 M J ASHMITHA jyothipb[at]yahoo[dot]com 8848886988 JYOTHIS CENTRAL SCHOOL