An educational trip was planned for all the sections of class VIII&IX to enhance as well as to make them familiar with the historical sites of Dehradun. In this regard, all the sections of the said class visited the following places of repute and historical background- SUBIR RAHA OIL MUSEUM TEL BHAWAN, ONGC - The students were greeted by Mr. K V Vinod (DGM, ONGC Museum). He gave a brief description of the museum and the motive of ONGC. They elaborated on each minute detail of the museum. The students were made aware of the process of oil findings, drilling, and extraction of the crude oil as well as the history of this museum and the contribution of our late Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru as well as ShSubirRaha (Former MD of Indian Oil Corporation). The students also had a brainstorming session about the sustainability of the fuel and preserving the same for future generations also. FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE DEHRADUN -The students of class IX were taken to the historical site of this magnificent building called FRI. It was founded in 1878 by Dr. Brandis to provide the forest department students a school so that they can learn and study forestry, he further appealed to the Indian Government to set up an entire institute, therefore in 1878 The Gov of India decided to set up a forest college in Dehradun.FRI was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the largest purely brick structure in the world. The great Indian Revolutionary leader Rash Behari Bose worked at FRI for eight years. The trip was beneficial for the students to understand the architecture as well as the historical aspect of it.
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