School Innovation Council of Kendriya Vidyalaya CISF Bhilai today on 17/1/24 organised a talk by the expert from schools as January activity. Mrs Shweta Upadhyay Masters in Environment Management and Education , Director at Rsustain private limited company , Writer and Educationist was the expert of the day. Assistant Commissioner of KVS RO Raipur Sh. Ravindra Kumar along with the Principal of the school Mrs. Bhubneshwari also graced the occasion. Students were enlightened on how to be creative in thinking as this is the demand of the day. First and foremost the students should overcome their gadget addiction , social media addiction followed by their attitude to search on google for any question given in the school to solve.She emphasised that students read a lot of literature and enrich their knowledge. Then there should be ability to think independently and put one’s thoughts in words. This is the primary step towards being creative. Students were told to come out of their comfort zones, shun their fears and stretch their arms to fly in the sky of creation and success. It is a creative person who can make a place anywhere in the world.She further guided students to be disciplined and develop time management skills can only enable the students to do more than the daily routine work. Finally she said this is the best time when they can design their lives for achieving excellence in whatever field they wish to endeavour. The talk ended with vote of thanks by Mrs Geetu, convenor of SIC.
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