An introduction to Yuva Tourism Club was given to all the students in Shivalik Public School. The students were really excited and showed their interest to join the club and were really motivated to take up, lead activities under the club. An Essay writing competition was organised by the teacher coordinators, Ms. Rimpy Walia, Dr. Anuja Thakur and Ms. Rimpy Gambhir of Yuva Tourism Club in Shivalik Public School Chandigarh. The main motive of this was to make the students realise and understand the importance of tourism, how it contributes to the national income and also how the importance of tourism is demonstrated throughout the world. From the economic advantages that tourism brings to host communities and to the enjoyment that tourism brings to the tourists themselves, and makes them aware that there is no disputing the value of this industry. And also the members of the Yuva Tourism club had initiated for an activity of poster making scheduled for the students on environmental impact of Tourism. The students had participated with great passion and interest in both the activities.
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