Yuva club members visited the Advaita Asramam and Asi shankara stoopam located in kalady on 4th December ,2023 Monday.First we visited the Adi shankara Janmabhoomi ,the holy birth place of Jagadguru Adi shankara .Its a beautiful village with real simplicity and serenity.it is situated very close to River periyar.We also visited the famous muthalakadavu which was nearby.Itsbelieved that mother of shankara did not agree for his sanyasa and a crocodile caught his leg at this muthalakadavu and only after she gave permission for his sanyasa crocodile let him free. Our next destination was Adi shankara stoopam ,an eight storeyed memorial ,Kanchi,kamakoti math had built.It depicted the architecture as well as the life story of Adi shankara.This indeed a memorable and joyful journey for all the students as it taught about the life story of the legendary Adi shankara.
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