Our project LIQUID ELIXIR for LIFE and SUSTAINABILITY delves into the realm of science and technology with a focus on its impact on society under the sub theme LIFE Lifestyle for Environment.In the backdrop of growing urbanization and ecological imbalances our project addresses the pressing issue of increased Carbondioxide and greenhouse gas accumulation in our atmosphere. We recognize that trees play a vital role in restoring ecological balance by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. While our solution doesnot replace trees it offers a practical way to enhance air quality and create a healthier environment for all living beings. Scientific Principle The heart of our project lies in the remarkable properties of microalgae specifically Spirulina. These microorganisms bind carbon dioxide and produce oxygen through Photosynthesis. Our tool of choice is a photo bioreactor. Additionally microalgae including Spirulina excel at bioremediation which involves the removal of Carbon dioxide heavy metals and pollutants from the air.
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