Kendriya Vidyalaya SSB Gwaldam organized a Yoga Day event to celebrate the 8th anniversary of the United Nations' declaration of International Yoga Day. The event was held at the school premises and was attended by students, teachers, and members of the local community. The event then proceeded with a series of yoga asanas, led by a team of experienced yoga instructors. The students and teachers enthusiastically participated in the asanas, and they were also given a brief explanation of the benefits of each pose. The event concluded with a session of Pranayama, or breath control exercises. The students and teachers learned how to control their breath in a way that would help them to relax and improve their focus. The International Yoga Day event at Kendriya Vidyalaya SSB Gwaldam was a great success. It was a reminder of the many benefits that yoga can offer, and it also helped to promote the practice of yoga in the local community.
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